Diary of a Landshut Commando

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35th Division 134th Infantry

My Rosary


Dedication to my Folks



I Lift My Eyes Toward Heaven.
Now That Victory’s in Sight,
And Pray that God Watch O’er You.
Throughout Each Lonely Night.
And When the Battle’s Over,
And I Sail for Home Once More,
I Know I’ll Find the Same Sweet


I Loved so Much Before.

Diary of Landshut Commando Group 4128

Dec. 29-1944

James Battista
Gilbert Martin
Leon Waremburg
Chiele James
Mike Heinen
Eneutt Eskew

Jan. 15. 1945

Charles Mansfield
Aubrey Krop
Carl Caleman

Feb. 4. 1945

Lloyd Green
Fred Troise
Sam Braddock
John Goadpasture
Walter Cutlip
Charles Laughner

Jan. 26. 1945

Harry Denny
Burroughs Frank

Dec. 29, 1944 Friday

Eleven men & my self left Stalag VII A for a short Commando in Landshut. We left by a truck. It was an hour ride. We arrived at our destination and at our Job. We are working for the vereinigte Kunstmühlen flour mill. We were taken to the canteen in the mill & were given light pea soup & bread. It was a beautiful place. We were then taken to the shower room to clean up. That to was in the bldg. We were then taken to our living quarters. It’s part of the plant & a very nice place.

We have two rooms. One a bed room & the other a sort of a Kitchen. It has a cooking stone a heater, a long table & two benches & chairs. We also have a sink. Right outside is the Latrine & the Pasten’s room. We found all to be spotless. We were then given Cormalls to be used for work. We are to start tomorrow. We have now settled down a bit & are ready to go to dinner. We had a third loaf of bread, a very heavy soup & a glass of Soda. We ate till it hurt. We then left for our quarters & took with us a bag full of boiled spuds. At so called home we fried them & made tea. We used our heater for a stone. We then retried to our very comfortable bed. I went to bed like a stuffed pig.

Dec 30, 1944 Saturday

We were up at 5:30 washed up at six, & had Coffee at canteen at 7:00. Some of the boys went to work for a short time. I & 5 others were put on the night shift for to night. We returned to quarters & had tea & more of yesterdays spuds. We were given towels by the mill. At noon time we had soup, spuds & a glass of beer. They also gave us sacks for our daily bread ration to be left at our table. Back at home we came & baked a prune Cake. We are now making tea for the cake & will then get ready for dinner & work. Our guard is a swell old guy & very nice to us. He gave us cookies & me, a pen to write with.

Dec. 31, 1944 Sunday

My work last night wasn’t bad until 4:00 a.m. My two Buddies & I were tired & sleepy so left the job. Another guard yelled at us but that was all. Our job was unloading wheat sacks into the mill at 10:30 I had a great big dish of soup & a soda pop at 12:30 we had more soup & Coffee. At six in the morning our work was finished. Tonight is new year’s Eve. but just an ordinary day. We had some good food at noon it was potatoe salad & meat loaf. Tonight we had a pudding & white bread. It was swell. We let it lay on the table a while thinking more food was coming. The pudding was it. The French men gave us 90 marks bought of soda & gave us bread & flour. They are treating us swell. We are allowed to cook in the canteen on Sundays. The French had rabbit, fried spuds, onions, macroni, cheese & prunes. We will do likewise when we get our parcels. We took spuds back from the Canteen. We just got thru frying them & drinking tea & toasted bread.

Jan. 1, 1944 Monday

Worked indoors a half day at 8:00 A.M. I had a half hour break. We had meat & bread at noon listened to the radio. A French man played piano for us. For dinner we had meat potatoes & salad, at night we had soup, spuds, baloney F.M. gave us macroni with rabitt meat. Back at our quarters we mixed flour, eggs, milk & sugar. We made some very good pancakes. We also took a shower. Inducted into army 2 years ago today.

Jan. 2, 1944 Tuesday

Worked on truck in a small town met some more F.M. They gave us bread. The German truck man had son prisoner of war in America. He bought us 6 looms of bread. F.M. from mill gave us 12 bottles of soda pop. Posten got us up late for work. It was very cold but swell for work at 8:00 p.m. had over head warning went to air raid shelter in mill. Saw lots of the town’s people with bags & baggage.

Jan 3, 1945 Wednesday

Worked again on truck with Joe. . He treats all of us swell. . We particularly likes me calls me journey all the time. I got 8 white rolls & a loaf of bread from Bakery where we delivered bread at night truck driver bought us 2 looms of bread ate at Canteen till it hurt. Frenchman bought us haircuts.

Jan 4, 1945 Thursday

Worked on stone pile a half of a day. Had an alarm but that all went to store next to our apt. & bought Lemonade & sacrum. Woman has 3 sons on Russian front. After dinner worked down carpenter shop. Had fun. F.M. gave us cigarettes at supper time. I got my first salary from the mill. I got 12 marks & 20 Penning for 4 days. Troisi got an egg & fried it at night.

Jan. 5, 1945 Friday

Worked a half day on truck. Driver bought us loaf of bread. At dinner we had pea soup, orangeade, 3 hot biscuits & blueberries. It was great after dinner we went to R.R. station to be De-Lensed met Ilabraies. They were very disgusted with war. Returned to canteen for supper. Listenned to radio. Brought back to our apt a pot full of boiled spuds. Had some delicious cheese & butter for supper. Boys are playing cards for marks. Will write a bit more to night & get ready for bed. Washed out my hankies & prepared toast for morning

Jan. 6, 1945, Saturday

Worked 2 hours chopping wood in shed. Continued my work on truck till 4:30 my friend Maurice gave me a white roll for supper. It went good with Lentils Potatoes & meat. Another gave us 2 looms of bread. . 2 of our rations were short. The boys argued all night long. We don’t get along so well. . I bought 50 bottles of Pop & more sacren tablets. . I bought a nice razor from the guard for a mark. He’s going to buy me a pen soon.

Jan. 7, 1945 Sunday

I was supposed to have the day off but due to snow I worked 2 hours with Mil. . We had to clean the streets around the mill at 8:00 a.m. we had a slice of bread & a large piece of meat after breakfast I shaved & took a shower. Up the room I came & washed some clothes & wrote in my book. For dinner we had spuds with meat & gravy at dinner we had coffee & a large piece of white bread. . The Frenchmen gave us their share so it was double size. They also made a delicious pudding for us after supper they played the piano, violin & drums. . We had a gravel time. The guard left us & came back up for us. He gives us more & more freedom each day. . Green also did some stunts with one of the F.M. Had air alarm. It lasted hour & a half. Had fun with F.M. 11:20 p.m. & we just returned from another air raid.

Jan. 8, 1945 Monday

Did most everything today. Chopped wood, sawed wood Shoveled snow & carried wood to carpenter shop. Eat very good all day. . Today is my anniversary. I’ve been in the army 2 years.

Jan. 9, 1945 Tuesday

Part of the day I worked in carpenter shop at furnishing time. I wound up with a hammer & chisel. It was fun new F.M. I met gave me bread rolls. Didn’t eat to much tonight. It was there but I didn’t want to hurt again at noon we had potatoe pancakes. I ate 5 sewed fredl coat sleeves. Met German who spoke good English.

Jan. 10, 1945 Wednesday

Worked all day with hammer & chisel I got a terrific head ache from the noise & swell in the garage. Had lots of fun with Marions for supper we had farina with Blue berries. It was swell at work F. civil air got me & green a loaf of bread. German boy gave us enough Bread stamps for almost a Kilo. German man I met Yesterday sent me 2 English books, Buttons, Cotton & needle. Don’t know what I’ll give him in return. Got paid tonight. I got 4 marks & 10 Pfennig’s 2 hours was over time. We got 100 Russian Cigarettes for a month. We had to pay 75 Pfennig’s for them. Chick is making pancakes. He mixed first flower sacren & a bottle of pop. Don’t know what the outcome will be. Some of the boys have grain boiled for breakfast. I’ve seen everything mixed & eaten. Funny, all taste good.

Jan. 11, 1945 Thursday

Worked all day with the carpenter. Had creamed spuds, turnips & boiled horn for dinner for supper I had spuds, Krant & Boiled beef all was good. Tonight I made a Checker board. Colored it Red & Blue. . It come out very good. Fred was ill tonight. Today makes & months that I’ve been taken prisenor. Washed my shirt.

Jan. 12, 1945 Friday

Worked again with carpenter the work is very interesting. Time goes fast. Tonight we heard 3 more men are coming to live with us. I’ll know more tomorrow. Had Biscuits & apple sauce for dinner. Tonight we had cheese, butter & soup & spads bought some bread with markens. Washed my Kabtei shirt.

Jan. 13, 1945 Saturday

Worked half day at carpenter. Returned to the room & cleaned up the place. Took shower & shaved at mill. Over-stayed at canteen after supper. Had all sorts of conversation with our French Comrades. Bought a pin from the guard for 5 marks.

Jan. 14, 1945 Sunday

Worked half day. The four & half hours went just after dinner I slept a short time. The boys made flour & onion cakes. Had Coffee grain soup & white bread for supper nothing of int eysh occurred at 9.30 we had a over head raid without a warning. I was a sleep in bed & had to dress. Returned to room at 10:15. I hope it’s the last

Jan. 15, 1945 Monday

Worked at carpenter all day. Little German boy gave me brat stamps at 12:00 noon we had over head alarm. It lasted an hour & took part of our lunch hour. Tonight the 3 new men arrived. Latest news is that they have been receiving parcels. They also got the amer & was package. It sounded swell. Rumer by the guard is that our are coming Wednesday.

Jan 16, 1945 Tuesday

Work with carpenter ended at Brot site today. Continued with handy man showled coal all after noon. Had a good dinner a large dish of apple & bread pudding. French man is leaving back to Stalag. He gave me a souvineer price. Another gave me a 2 white rolls. They continue to treat us swell. The 3 new men seem to like it here. Wasn’t in bed 10 minutes when we had over-head alarm. Had to close in a hurry. It lasted a short time.

Jan. 17, 1945 Wednesday

Worked with old man again chopped wood gil Fred went back to the Stalag after parcels. They didn’t have any success. They’re suppose to come Friday or Monday. We were suppose to get paid but that was called off too. The guard must of been in a rush to get home. We got a new posten for the night.

Jan. 18, 1945 Thursday

Worked out doors all day. Same theirs no finish to the snow on the ground. Had macroni gravey for supper. I got a “Hitbie Youth” pin from a little German boy. He spoke very good English.

Jan. 19, 1945 Friday

Worked in wood pile. Boss gave us 2 rolls. Traded a bar of swan soap for 1 M.I loaf of bread, a civilian, and 2 bags of pudding got paid for last wed. It amt. to 15.60. Talk of a more Americans joining the mill ware my first pair of wooden shoes. They were small & hurt my feel.

Jan. 20, 1945 Saturday

Worked ½ day with the old man. Had an over head alarm at 12:00 it lasted till 1:45 after work leaved the bedroom & went for shower & shave. French man gave us a large amount of tobacco. John asked me to teach him English Had fun teaching Bob slang.

Jan 21, 1945 Sunday

Worked 2 hours shoveling snow. Before dinner I washed my hair. Had to rush dinner become of an expected air-raid. It was announced over the radio. We had the over head alarm at 1:25 it lasted a short time. . Some of the boys had rabbit, Flour beer & blood made the gravey. Stayed at Canteen a good part of the day. Had a swell time with F.M. Boys want to go to bed but are afraid of an air raid.

Jan. 22, 1945 Monday

Worked for the first day at the Ailo. It was a slow day but it went faster made a deal for my small “D” bar. Thought I was doing pretty good at the mill but I got a complaint. I seem to talk to the F.M. while working. I may go back in 2 days or may be given another chance. Mike went to the stalog. Brought back 1 Pack of cigarettes & blades said parcels may come in a day or so 2 more men are supposed to come in my place & Gil’s.

Leon Waremburg left us to day. They didn’t like his work. Hurry warned us about letting them know we like it here.

Jan. 23, 1945 Tuesday

Work continues to be slow at the silo. Nothing was said of my going back. Had my turn at K.P. in canteen. Took shower & shaved at mill. Hurt my feet again in wooden shoes stockings are in bad shape. Had a delicious desert at dinner. It was some sort of a melon sweet as sugar & like a carrate Bob gave me the words to Coveon dancing.

Jan. 24, 1945 Wednesday

Work at the silo was slow again often 10 minutes work I was sent back to the old man shoveled snow till Brat sight. Worked on truck till noon. Delivered coal to a family & got 2 mark tip. The truck men got 10 cigarettes & gave me 3 of them also gave me a book of cig. papers. Met lots of Italian civilians who were once soldiers. The firm they worked for was full of Russian girls shoveling snow. The girls & men inside were German prisoners one shook my hand. Today is suppose to be pay day. I did get paid 15:40

Jan. 25, 1945 Thursday

Worked on wood pile. Chopped & sowed the wood. Traded for 4 loafs of bread for a bar of soap. As yet I’ve no soap to give him. Pasten went after 2 more Americans but they didn’t show up no sign of hopes or my going back to stalog. Had several warning got a sheet for our straw mattreses.

Jan. 26, 1945 Friday

Worked on several jobs for the old man. Our parcels arrived. There were 24 of them 2 for each of the original 12 men. There is trouble because of their arrival. They want to give us 1 box to split among the 12. We won’t accept them & plan to stick together & return to the stalog. Two more men arrived today again talk of 2 more coming to-marrow.

Jan. 27, 1945 Saturday

Worked half day in the lager. Cleaned the rooms alone. Had to get on my knees to mop floors got 2 of our parcels. They were those 2 extra belonging to Waremburg made a pudding. Had beans for supper. To bad for us all. The bedroom was one continues swell. I never laughed so much in all my prisenor days.

Jan 28, Sunday

Worked half day at mill. Boss said my work was “Prima” Parcels are working five French men were confined to quarters for the day. They were caught with a rabbit in the house. Bought a glass cigarette holder from the pasten.

Jan. 29, Monday

Worked in town the full day. Had some fun with a boy called Dippi. Things are changing quite a bit here. Our doors are being locked we can’t work with the French men must go places together. Bars have been put up on the windows ete. F.M. got cought with us talking while working.

Jan. 30, 1945 Tuesday

Worked on Ice all after noon. We don’t eat in Canteen anymore. We don’t eat in Canteen anymore. It’s got to be locked at all times our pasten has to stay there with his rifle our rooms are looking like a prisen. They’ve put up bars an every window. We’ve got to put our shoes & pants in the closet each night. Something is up. I hope to the end of the war. Green acts very sielo. He may go back tomorrow.

Jan. 31, 1944 Wednesday

The end of the first month many people are seen leaving the nearly towns. The Russians are suppose to be 100 kilo from Berlin. The Folkstown is leaving for Berlin. We didn’t get paid. Green left for the Stalog this noon. Worked on snow. Jan. is over. Hope the new month brings good news.

Feb.1, 1945 Thursday

Worked quite hard to day. Had my share of coal, ice & wood. Had 4 apple cakes for supper. Got paid to day. It amt. to 20.50.

Feb 2, 1945 Friday

Went to town several times to buy lemonade. I saw 4 German planes in formation for the first time. Got are ration of Russian Cigirattes. It cost 11.25 far 700 finished the day picking ice.

Feb. 3, 1945 Saturday

Worked half day with frilenger after dinner worked one hour with Gil & Fred in mill worked the elevator alone. It rained for the second day. Washed my work clothes.

Feb. 4, 1945 Sunday

Didn’t work today. Slept till 9:30 shaved & made coffee & Biscuits for Breakfast all are going to camp tomorrow. We don’t know why Gil, Fred & myself may not return. The other night.

Feb. 5, 1945 Monday

We were all up at 3:00 A.M. we arrived in the stalog at 8:00 A.M. at that time we still didn’t know far the reason of our return. We stayed at the French commands Barrack for rations. Later in the day we went to 19A. The stay there was short. We left for 16A. It rained all day. It was a miserable may to spend my 24th Birthday. We visited the boys in our old Barrack. That night we (Fred Gil & I) slept together on 3 benches.

Feb. 6, 1945 Tuesday

Since we were in the aperred compound we walked the main street of the camp all day. Each time we passed the canteen, we bought a box of matches for 5 phenmgis?. We received our first R.C. Parcel. It was 12 men to one parcel. The 3 of us ate it up in one meal.

We’ve been giving our soup rations to the amer. Non corus who barrack we are living in. They can’t understand our not eating it at night I went to visit Tony. My watch had stopped at 8:10 p.m. It was actually 9:45 & I Couldn’t get out of the gate. Tony called the guard a S.O.B. & spit at him. The guard had started to unsling his rifle. We were in the Barrack soon enough. I slept with Tony & got out of the compound the next morning with the chow detail.

Feb. 7, 1945 Wednesday

Laid around the Barrack most of the day. We received our Back Issue of the Xmas Parcel. It was one for two men. I split nine with Denning. He was a hard man to get along with. I got the pipe. It was a pretty nice parcel. The Turkey & Phem Pudding was delicious. We have more cans of opened food chan we know what to do with. We also have plenty of cigaretts (9) & Chocolate bars. From the Parcel I had the opportunity to chew my first slice of gum since I left the states. I’ve got 11 cans of ford at the main gate. I do hope we don’t lose any of it.

Feb. 8, 1945 Thursday

Late evening, Gil was called into the staff office. He got were to move into another barrack. He & 7 others had left for another commando. I got my biggest surprise later on. I received a letter from Jerry, Mary & Thelma. Fred got a great kick giving them to me one at a time. They were dated round about Dec. 1, 1944.

Feb. 9, 1945 Friday

Gil left some time in the morning. He sent Fred the eleven items he had at the magazine. That gave us plenty to eat. We’ve already cooked some very good meals. The Plum pudding & Cream sure did things to my stomach. Fred & I argued all night long. He achievers me to be able to do little or nothing at all.

Feb. 10, 1945 Saturday

Just an ordinary day spent in the stalog.

Feb. 11, 1945 Sunday

At roll call, church services were announced. I was told communion was to be at 8:15 in the canteen & mass at 9:00 a.m. in front of canteen. It was 8:10 so I dashed off to communion. I was so in a hurry. I didn’t realize I was in the church of England. We were just 7 & I felt as the all eyes were on me. I was afraid of doing something wrong & almost did several times. I received & it was placed in my hand. It was all knew to me.

I was about to have the alter when the priest passed a cup of wine for us to drink from. It was a good experience. When it was over. I was in time for my mass. I met Tony. He came to spend the day in our Barrack. At night I saw a show in the polish barrack. They sang O solomio” in polish. The got a big hand from the Italians & “Bieno’s” left & right

Feb. 12, 1945 Monday

Just remembered it’s Lincoln’s Birthday. So what!! I spent mine in the same place. I was issued gloves. G.I. Soap & a new coat. It’s a 365 & to swell. Tony visited me again made a fruit Bar & Biscuit pudding. Fred took a haircut. I didn’t take one since before Xmas.

Feb. 13, 1945 Tuesday

Went on a detail for the full morning met Tony coming back from work in munich. He brought in some wood for me. Received 3 letters from home. One from Mary, Laura & Jerry. They were dated Nov. 27, 1944. Made a very delicious pudding.

Feb. 14, 1945 Wednesday

Didn’t know it was Ash Wed. Till I Went to mass. It was held in 16A at 8:00 A.M. It was very pretty. I received communion. Tony was there & stayed with me till soup time. I’ve thinking of having a portrait of myself & mother made by a French man my to door. St Vaulentine’s day. Didn’t know about it till today Feb. 20, 1945.

Feb. 15, 1945 Thursday

Had my picture drawn by a Frenchman. I paid 22 cigarettes for it. Some believe it foums? me very much. Fred had won in a card game so he paid for half of it. He also paid for my boot tops for 12 smokes. I had them semed on for 6 fags. We also bought a loaf for 20 Jobs. Made a delicious Raisen pudding. Met a 1st Lt. in the compound across the St. I know him as pinky. I’m trading for him. I got him slippers & chess set. I’m not making a cigarette on it. We received our captured parcel. It was one for 8 men. I got a nice share of it. Late last night I was told to more in 19A. I just turned my mamein? & continue to live with Fred. I was suppose to go to Munich the next day but I was excused.

Feb. 16, 1945 Friday

Fred, Burroughs & myself moved over to 19A. Bought & straight sayor? 3 packs & sold it to pinky for 6. Almost got caught trading by the pasten.

Feb. 17, 1945 Saturday

It was a swell day out. We walked around a good part of the day. Tony & Johnnie came over. We played cards outside. Took a sponge both at night & prepared for Sunday.

Feb. 18, 1945 Sunday

Went to 9:00 mass made a wonderful dinner. We had marked spuds & cheese with chopped ham. Played my first game of Bauth with a sue. We won the first game & lost the second. It was for a cigarette I enjoyed it very much.

Feb. 19, 1945 Monday

Was suppose to go to Munich but didn’t I went on sick all & complained of capture. It didn’t work. I made a delicious pudding for supper. I put in 4 crackers, 1 slice of G.I. bread. 2 sq of choe raisens, nuts, milk & dale also made coffee & spuds for dinner. Fred enjoyed all after work.

Feb. 20, 1945 Tuesday

Didn’t have to see the medies to get off from Munich work. It was the Barrack day off. The morning half gone & nothing interesting happened. My newest pudding was good enough so that the boys asked for the receipe. Fred didn’t get out of bed yet. I feel an arguement coming on. Didn’t cook for the two of us to night. He didn’t get out of bed since roll call. It’s now 5:00 P.M. I just mashed my spuds & com beef. I ate it cold. A boy from south Lodger was shaf chue? the neck by a guard. He was out doors during an air raid. So far we’ve had two alerts.

Feb. 21, 1945 Wednesday

Was up at 5:30 for the Munich Detail. It snowed all day long. I worked down an air raid shelter we had a swell guard who let us trade with everyone. He thought I spoke pretty fair German. Got one loaf of bread for 5 smokes. They didn’t search us at the gate so all was well. Fred had dinner ready for me. He made spuds with cheese & our meat ration. Met a slalt? from the 35th Dio. He was captured Dec. 12th. It was good to hear about the outfit again.

Feb. 22, 1945 Thursday

Washington’s Birthday.

Another Holiday which doesn’t mean a thing hue. We usually have soup at 11:00 but not to day, an air raid started at 10:30 a.m. & lasted till 2:30. We could hear the bombing from the Stalog. Another pudding or cake. It looks swell. Fred had his clothes washed by a Russian. He paid 6 smokes for a miss of clothes. We expect the British Band to play for us to day. Hope it gets here.

Feb. 23, 1945 Friday

Was to go to work in munich but didn’t. I had a sgt. from my Barrack took my place. Had lots of fun joining rope. United Tony for a short while.

Feb. 24, 1945 Saturday

The Barracks day off. I made another one of my popular puddings. Was told that amer. R.C. parcels are going low.

The hill billy band from the Barrack gave a nice little show. Wrote a past card home.

Feb. 25, 1945 Sunday

Went to 9:00 mass. It wasn’t as cold as the past two Sundays. Tony came over but had to have in a hurry. Seven men from the church detail wasn’t there so the other men couldn’t get in. Did some jumping before dinner. We made some row spuds with cheese. Eggs have been around in the past two days. They sell for 7 cigeratte. The day is almost over. I believe a palok will go to work for me in the morning. Had a night raid.

Feb. 26, 1945 Monday

Was to work in Munich but sent a palak in my place. Last night raid really got Munich. The boys said it was hit plenty. Received two letters from home. Laura’s was dated Dec. 26th & Jerry’s Dec. 29th, 12 Cartons of Cigerette are on the may. If they arrive soon, I’ll be living like a king.

Feb. 27, 1945 Tuesday

The barrack day off. I drew a ¼ of an English parcel. With it I made a pudding for breakfast tomorrow. Had an air raid. It was good to hear wars of our planes. There must of been lots of waves. We had the “Captivation play for us. It was a ground show. An air raid is now on.

Feb. 28, 1945 Wednesday

The end of another month. I’m hoping the new month brings good news. Everyone thinks it will end soon. We are having continuous day & night raid. There is one on right now. In Munich we didn’t even start work & we were in an air raid shelter. It was the underground bridge. Our work was filling a newly made bomb crate. At the end of the day there was no difference in the hole many time bombs went off. They were in a complete circle. One guard was killed fooling with a dud. He was in the group right next to us. Fred had supuds & pudding for dinner.

March 1, 1945 Thursday

The barracks day off. Had Breakfast at 8:00 for a change it was wonderful. First we had a pudding & then Bacon & eggs. We made a bread grater. The Jerry took the hammer away from me at last our section was taken off the floor. I sleep in a bottom bunk. I fixed to first five. Mangelson the Indian was over at night time. He took a friend along with him. They both invited us to tea tomorrow. We can get all the hot water we want. Mangelson spoke of India & his riches. It was all very interesting.

March 2, 1945 Friday

I had it arranged for the poles to take my place in Munich. I had to cancel it because our section had they day off. We had oats & coffee for breakfast. It’s our time for an American parcel. We split it four ways. Steve & I went to tea with Mangelson & his friends. We were 6 Stone & I had to take off our shoes before eating. Wesston the blanket & a table was fixed there. We had tea with lots of cream & sugar, 2 Canadian Biscuits with Jane & Butter & a dish of Can Choe. I made an important mistake. I offered Mangelson a Cigeratte from my pack. He said “you are my guest here” I smoked 3 on him we had a very interesting conversation. Oh yes, we were served by another Indian. The turbans signify their Branch of service. We were asked to return again. Mangelson is actually crazy about Steve. He listens to every word he spokes.

March 3, 1945 Saturday

The Barrack day off & a very dull one. I fried that Germany two has it’s crazy month of March. After a week of warm weather we get of snow Blizzard. We received our last issue of Red Cross Parcels. They are suppose to be finished. They expect more by truck which the amer’s will drive. Made another pudding. Tomorrow Sunday & a working party is going to Munich. Immediately ran to the French Barrack for someone to go for me. I succeeded so I’ll be able to go to church Mangelson was over to visit Steve & I during the day Amersing brought us some potatoes. Wrote a letter to Laura & Jerry. I failed to mark about the arrival of Jacks letter of Dec. 2nd Parents finished.

March 4, 1945 Sunday

Sunday a day of rest at least some of us thought it would be so. Instead we had to work in Munich. I ran to the pole barrack & got George to go work for me at 9:00 a.m. I went to mass. Their was a snow Blizzard so it was held inside the Canteen. It was very crowded. A German soldier also attended mass. Before roll call Steve & I got hot water from Mangel. In order to make mass in time. I wasn’t able to take a bath. Went to visit Tony. He’s leaving on commando tomorrow sometime. He gave me a nice clean board to be used as a table. He also gave me a 5 France note for a remembrance. He’s a swell guy & I’ll miss him. I hope to see him in the morning. Mangel was over to visit us. He spoke of the things he will bring us. Listened to “Embraceble you” by Hazel Scott. The victrola was in the pole barrack.

March 5, 1945 Monday

The barrack day off. Once again it snowed all day. Mangel & Amar Sing was over to visit us. They brought us an Amer. R.C. box full of potatoes. Fred & I went over to the magazine to draw out some food. Besides our noon soup & 3 ‘O’ clock spuds They gave us a few cans of Kraut soup & a can of spuds. It wasn’t near enough to go around so the 19 sections drew for it. We last. It was given to us because the boys who worked in Munich yesterday didn’t get fed good. Just heard the four king sisters sing “My Heart Sings”, Bought 4 large fishes for 30 cigerettes. Steve, Fred & myself said for them. We will have a meal tomorrow.

March 6, 1945 Tuesday

I got George the Pole to take my place in Munich. At 4:30 a.m. we were told the detailed was changed to 9:00 A.M. It’s now 11:00 & they haven’t left yet. Their was an air raid in the early hours of the morning. That might be the cause for the conversation at noon time we cooked our fish. It was most delicious. It didn’t take to much Margarine to fry it. Some of our pole friends were here & played the accordion for us. George gave me 3 Biscuits for the fish. He wouldn’t accept anything. I can repay him on our next parcel. Amer singh was here tonight.

We had a very interesting conversation. I learned that there are 3 costs. They are the sick Hindu & Mohamatin, amer is sick & Magal Hindu. The sick don’t shave, wear a comb in the back of the head, wear short underwear, don’t eat meat don’t smoke & wear a ring on the right arm. The Hindus can shave, smoke etc. The Mohamatins eat everything but park. Amer promised to bring me a ring for a souvineer. He’s a swell guy mangal became soon after amer left. He’s going to bring spuds. Tomorrow there will be no tear. Their’s a rumor that Jerry has enough coal to cook for the next 2 days. Mangal also verified the rumor.

March 7, 1945 Wednesday

Once again George the pale went to Munich for me. Today Fred & I ate the last of our Puddings. All is futig Parcels have come to a complete stop Things are really getting rough. Sick Prisinors are being taken out of hospitals to make room for the ones badly wounded. 500 with atler an arm or leg missing first arrived. Fuel is very low. We were asked to contribute a bit to the camp hospitals. Rumors are very strong about getting raw food to be cooked by ourselves. They have discontinued morning tea to all. Later they changed it to first those who don’t work in Munich. Today those here had us tea at all. Camps near Berlin have been evacuteid to this camp quite a few came to this place last night. Just heard that our Bread ration will be 10 men to one loaf. I’ll verify it when it accure Received 7 Cigerattes called “Apaba Dkova”. Its for only the men who work in Munich. Amer-Sing was over to day. He brought over some spuds. He also gave Steve & I a ring that the “Sick” wear. Mangal was also here. We played 52 dollar salatair. Amer coughton very fast. They bath enjoyed it very much. We will play for tear where they know its better.

March 8, 1945 Thursday

Parcels have arrived. They’ll be given out tomorrow. Mangal & Amor were here. They won the game we played. We’ll have to serve them tea Sunday. They brought us more spuds.

March 9, 1945 Friday

9 my bad day in camp. We didn’t receive parcels. I was hungry all day. We had 2 soups. Ate my ration of bread at one time.

March 10, 1945 Saturday

Our friends were over with spuds. They said they stayed up all night pratining salatair. We received a ¼ of a parcel late last night.

March 11, 1945 Sunday

Wanted to receive communion but I forgot & drank jerry Tea. Made Tea & pudding for Amer Mongal. They thought it was good. We made a good in pression.

March 12, 1945 Monday

Stayed off from Munich. Cooked supper for Fred. I mix baps with pate, carved beef Cheese & M. & V. Stew. Fred came in with 2 looms of Beef. Amer brought me spuds. Listened to the records I barrowed from the Poles. Rumors of being Fred by the International R.C. are strong.

March 13, Tuesday

A very lonely day out. I went far a shower & a Delouse job. While there we had an air raid. I could see our planes. They were very high up. I was told by friends with better eyesight that the plans were P 38’s. Received a letter from Mary Dated Jan. 2. 1945. It was burnt all around the edges. I was told Moosburg was strafed. Used a whole gala bar of soap for a shower.

March 14, 1945 Wednesday

A quiet day spent in the barrack. Had very little to eat. That due to my not getting a parcel since Sat. Tomorrow I’ll get a half.

March 15, 1945 Thursday

A very sunny day. The boys were all outside the barrack playing ball ile. Fred & I received an English Scotah parcel. Made a good pudding. Pete the Pale invited us to the amer show in his barrack. Rumor of 25000 wheat bags arrived in Moosburg. We are suppose to get amer G. I. bread.

March 16, 1945 Friday

Spring may start the 21st of March but the beautiful day we’ve been having proof that’s it’s already here. Tony, Fred & I together with the whole barrack was sitting outside enjoying the sun. At 1:00 p.m. the guards blew their whistle & chased us inside. There was an over head raid. The roars of planes were real loud. We coved see 3 planes very clear. We didn’t stay out long enough to see what kind they were. Fred & I split up. We did the same to our parcel which we received yesterday. Just learned that Indians don’t clean themselves with toilet paper. Mangal asked me for water for the latrine. They even dentally use rag & water. It’s all very interesting & new.

March 17, 1945 Saturday St Patrick Day

The weather went back to cold again. Stayed indoors a good part of the day & made pudding for to-marrow breakfast. Mangal was over with some salt. Come back later in the evening & invited Steve & I to tea tomorrow. I avoided Fred all day. Wrote a card to Mary. We had the R.C. Victoria here today. It was swell to hear all the name bands again. Right now we are being entertained by a white man accordion player & two cloud boys. One plays drums on a suit case. They’re really swell.

March 18, 1945 Sunday

Went to 9:00 A.M. Mass. I didn’t stay there it. I was sorry but I wanted to talk to Tony. He gave me a stick of wood. It came in handy for my daily pudding. It was affriedly announced that we would get 1 Parcel per pan per work. I’ll be given out 6 on a parcel. Rumours still strong about being feed by later. R.C. went to Mangal a barrack for tea. It was swell me had Indian biscuits & Chocolate.

March 19, 1945 Monday

The official notice of 1 parcel for 6 men fell there. Due to a very long air raid the parcels 1 to 12 arrived at 4:00 p.m. Some of us counted 54 waves. They could very easily be seen. After we started to split the parcel 6 ways. The Sgt major announced we would get 6 on 1 starting tomorrow. In fact they are to make up for the one to day.

March 20, 1945 Tuesday

Once again rumor of 1 to 6 tomorrow. Jerry planes have been flying very low & over our barracks all day. Sugar is so little that we are alternative sugar from 19A & 19B. Was on Chow Detail for the first time. It was a very lovely day outside. Bought bread from Mangal. Don’t know yet if we’ll pay for it made a pudding first boiled it & there baked it. Was issued two pairs of stacking a hawker chief.

Mach 21, 1945 Wednesday

Had long raid again. Saw many planes. Received first one soap ration & bread with meat. Two days we had no spuds. I wasn’t hungry because of spuds I bought. Pales working in Munich actually saw street fighting among soldiers & police men. We finally received our 1 parcel for six men.

March 22, 1945 Thursday

Received a half parcel. It was suppose to be Canadian but it turned out to be English. Bought a can of spuds for 25 smokes for 3 fellows. George gave me a nice amount of rice for a pudding. Took a cold Bath & washed all of my clothes. Tony gave me some wood. English cigarettes aren’t good for nothing all want Amer. Cig. for food Fred had an argue went with Dean & got a tin for blow in the month.

March 23, 1945 Friday

A wonderful day out doors. I stayed in the sun without my clothes made rice that George gave me. It was swell with milk & sugar made pudding. Jumped rope a good part of the day. Again no spuds for supper. We got first cheese.

March 24, 1945 Saturday

Enjoyed the sun all morning made macaroni pudding. George supplied the Mac’s was on lodger detail in the afternoon. Wrote a card home. Was called for Kommando. I got out of it. Don’t care to go anymore. Bought wooden slices for 5 English smokes.

March 25, 1945 Sunday Palm Sunday Mom’s Birthday

Didn’t know it was palm Sunday altho I knew it was Easter next Sunday. Went to the polish mass. It was held outside. It was beautiful George gave me Sacren, spuds, rice pudding, cigarettes I gave him the words to pay on doll. Tony was over & had supper with me. We had spuds. Macaroni & veg. our barrack is working in land shot tomorrow. It mill be six day working week.

March 26, 1945 Monday

We had another sunny day. We had another sunny day. It came out from behind his car. He was a Lodger detail & was cutting the fence. The guard didn’t know it so start without warning. The land & hut detail was in at six. They said it was leoinly bombed. Arms & legs could be seen. No trading done. They weren’t given bread ration to night. News of the big offensive came in. It was board from B.B.C. Stutteguard Frankfurtile.

March 27, 1945 Tuesday

Worked in Munchen. Surprissing but we didn’t even have a 4 alarm. Guard searched us on train. I put choe. Bar in heel of shoe & gone another Hungarian guard a pack of cigerattes to hold for me. I just lost soap I hid in top of Box car. The Sgt. Looked in my hair cause it was so high. Paid guard 24 Amer. Cig for 2 loam of bread got 1 one other for 6. Every day work is no good. I hope George gets a pole friend to work for me.

March 28, 1945 Wednesday

Had a miserable day in hand shut. It rained all day long & we were right in it. No trading was done. We got in early. Just got a light soup. Received 1/6 of the new type ‘A’ Amer. Parcel It’s quite different from ‘A’. It has no coffee choe cheese or fish. It’s a dyhydrated parcel. Met a French man who returned from our commands.

March 29, 1945 Thursday, Holy Thursday

Worked in Munich. It was a nice day. I got 2 looves of bread. Got in at 6:30 & found a letter from Sam Tammariello. It was swell to hear from him. Rumors are that war will end in 2 to 3 weeks.

March 30, 1945 Friday Good Friday

Stayed away from work. Didn’t have anyone to take my place was almost sent to south Lodger for penalty. Instead I’ll have to go to Landshut in the morning. It’s no good for trading. Went to church in the afternoon. Didn’t stay for all the stations.

March 31, 1945 Saturday

Worked in Land shut. Hale two our head raids. We were put in large open field. We all lied in the grass & enjoyed the seen while a bombing was taking place nearby. The train in was late the planes hit the cars from Moosburg to Landshut several were wounded. Went to confusion. Had another collared show.

April 1, 1945 Sunday, Easter Sunday, April fool’s day.

Went to mass outside of canteen. It was all so very nice. The alter was montifully dressed. They had the organ & chair. Three priest’s were there to give communion to the may many men. I also received. Had a good pudding for East Breakfast. Wrote letter home. For dinner I had potatoes & Carved beef. Saw the polish concert. George gave me a picture of himself & sister.

April 2, 1945 Monday

Worked in Landshut, Things are picking up. I got one loaf. Had 3 4 claim’s. Was a warm clay. I layed down & got sunbeamed. Guards are swell. When’ve returned I washed my body & clothes. We set our watches an hour ahead to day.

April 3, 1945 Tuesday

Was off from work to day. I felt pretty sick from a bad cough. I had warm & cold feeling. Went to sick call and found all to be well. I drew out the rest of the food from the magazine. Made puddings. Ground up the bye wheat I brought in from Munich.

April 4, 1945 Wednesday

Got the day off by Sgt. We taking my place. Felt much better today. Ate swell all day. Things are one great mix up. Men all moving to new barracks. 29 come to our barrack. Tony was among them & come to my section 17. We’ve twelve leeds to a section & 15 men to sleep in the. The French are to be turned out or eid?. Cpt. Mal been says the war will be over in 9 days. The Indians moved to tents several thousand officers are coming here.

April 5, 1945 Thursday

Worked in Munich, Didn’t do any trading at all. Had wonderful guards. Had 2 over head raids. The barrack is very crowded. It’s not like before. The Indians were put in tents in the open field. It rained & they had to move in an open barrack for the night.

April 6, 1945 Friday

Was suppose to work in Landshut but went to Munich. Got some bread. 900 men didn’t work. We are suppose to move to closed lodger. Movement of Prisoners in & out of camp are being made.

April 7, 1945 Saturday

Worked in Munich. Got 2 loaves. Sweated out getting them in 2 fellows took off from our grays. One was a wonder men are still leaving.

April 8, 1945 Sunday

Failed to go to church this morning. I wanted to cook up a good breakfast & did. Have & eggs it was. We are on the move again. We leave this compound at 5 in the morning. We don’t know where. Had 3 ‘O’ Clock tea with A.S. was late.

April 9, 1945 Monday

Was up at five to move to another compound. We didn’t work & stayed in the open field all day we will go to barrack 5A at 6:00 p.m. Have had an armful raid. We saw many planes & two go down. Amer Singh & his friends made “C” hop poelis? for us. Had good work all day. Pudding for breakfast at 10:00 George brought me some rice & potatoes at noon we had soup from Argentina parcel also 5 biscuit & a big slice of cheese. Tonight we had English tea.

April 10, 1945 Tuesday

Once again we were off from work. We moved out of the barrack at 2:00. Before we left we made a pudding. That was Tony’s & Howard’s we were loaded down. The boxes broke & all fell pudding & all. We finally got to the Tents behind 3 & 4 barrack. Once again Addie is in charge. The house really hit. We had air raids all day & night. It wasn’t to cold to sleep.

April 11, 1945 Wednesday

No Munich detail stayed in & washed all. Lied in the sun. Had a continous raid all around camp. They placed markers pretty close by. We were a bit search got a 6th of a parcel Amer. Announcement were made by C.I.s to refuse to go to work. To many being hurt.

April 12, 1945 Thursday

The start of a bad day was up at 5:00 for Munich about 200 didn’t go. I was one & ran all over camp to get out of it. They had dogs all over our tents. When it did go out. They needed men for Lodger detail. There was more trouble for Cpt. Morheim. He was out with his dog to get them out.

April 13, 1945 Friday So-called Bad luck day

Worked in Landshut. No trading was done. The weather was bad. It cleaned up late afternoon. No air raid’s at all. The spot that was cleared was hit again. It’s rumoured in Town that prudent Roosevelt died. Acted as dal-mitcher Had a lot of laughs.

April 14, 1945 Saturday

Stayed away from Munich Detail. Complained to British apt. about my up tine. I’m still at it washed clothes made pudding it. Dropped 12 mans sugar ration on the ground. Howard came in with Bread spuds & Sacaren all the boys get bread. Got 1 Box to 3. We drew an English Xmas. Got a Pair of out shorts.

April 15, 1945 Sunday

Made friends with an Italian Yesterday. Went to the Italian mass. Become friendly with priest. He gave me saints & medals. They also gave me 12 Blocks of cheese a great big Italian Biscuit & Biscuit & Coffee. Have a short ceremony for our president. We leave tomorrow far? Ate well all day.

April 16, 1945 Monday

Was up at 3 A.M. to leave. We arrived in Munchen R.C. parcels was to be given out but they didn’t. Once in Munchen we left our equipment on the box cars & went to do the regular work we were doing. When we quit we found we were to sleep on the Box cars on the R.R. at 4.00 a.m. we had an over head raid. We ran like mad to nowhere. Planes could be & flares could be seen. Two bombs were dropped. It was a rugged night

April 17, 1945 Tuesday

Had Jerry Coffee at 7:00 & off to work. Swiss man is to get us off the P.R. Parcels It ill didn’t arrive Hope & pray all goes well with raids.

April 18, 1945 Wednesday

Had an over head raid. Their was a short bombing. It didn’t harm us. We’ve been quiting at 5 & stay in ranks to be counted a dozen times. Quite a few men took off. Had alarm at 4:00 in the morning. We were allowed to go but 50 yds. One guard shat. Their were flares all around us. No one hurt.

April 19, 1945 Thursday

Things are getting rough. Our guards are good but everything else had. We refused our soup at noon. It’s still water. Another bombing took place. In scared hell out of us. We were in an green field. The bombs were near. The roars was tremendous. All smoke was black. No one hurt but still an awful feeling. 11 more men took off Received Xmas card from Hease Semenya. It was my first Xmas greeting & a pleasant one.

April 20, 1945 Friday-Hitler Birthday! So What!!!

Went to work at 9:30 because of the R.R. food situation. We still got the same soup so refused it again. Traded 2 og of tea in town during our head alarm. I got 5 eggs, ½ loaf of bread & ½ ll of Lam. Planes were over all day. They bomb ex. stuffed. This morning it was mighty close. Got 2 parcels for 3 men today Amer. Had 2 bombings. One at 11:30 & one at 1.30 A.M. all had little sleeps. The bombing was in our virility.

April 21,1945 Saturday

While getting ready for roll call. 47’s came over dive bombing & at refine. They seemed to be coming in our area all of us took off like a bat out of hell. Worked in posing Munich had 3 raids. Again bombing completely around us we were all safe. Large P.O.W. letters were made out of bricks in our area. It was also written on the box cars. Was expecting morning raids but didn’t due to rain.

April 22, 1945 Sunday

Planes were over while having roll call at 7:00 a.m. Nothing but the planes were seen the weather changed suddenly. It’s very windy out. We were shakeing while eating our custard pudding. Their won’t be no mass today

April 23, 1945 Monday

Very few air raids all day very cloudy weather rumors are pretty thick. We’re supposed to be 80 K.M’s from Munich 35 from Randshut. We’re supposed to be taken out of the yard. The 29 men who took off are back. Had 2 night raids.

April 24, 1945 Tuesday

Worked in round House had 2 over head alarms went to a shelter in a warehouse. Bought bags & handkerchiefs for a few cigarettes. Believe we get parcel soon. May more but in the morning . Had over head at 11:30. Ten minutes & enough time to undress it sounded again. I didn’t feel like running until someone said “The flares are right in front of the box car”. I put an wooden shoes & took off like mad. Their was boming but in passing.

April 25, 1945 San Francisco place turn conference.

Let Munich by box car at 6: a.m. arrived in passing yards. Had a dozen once raids. I paraded the streets with Howard & got eggs & bread for Choe. Civil air said Munich was declared an open city. Rumors again that we move to Munich today & start out for 150 to 180 K.M’s in the morning. Some boys are digging out civilian bodies caught in bombed shelter in passing.

April 26, 1945 Thursday

Had an alarm at 11:30 it was terrific. The hits was in passing but they seemed to be right on the box cars. The men ran like mad one shelter was packed so that they couldn’t breath. Worked in passing & saw the damage the R.R wasn’t hit had but the home sure were. I saw 12 bodies that were bought in a shelter. Had just a 4 alarm.

April 27, 1945 Friday

A very quite day. There was just one 4 alarm. Ate well & traded for bread. Met German girl.

April 28, 1945 Saturday

Was up at 5:00 a.m. to go to the hospital for shower & De-Lane. Yanks are suppose to be 20 K.M. People in Bed clothes were near the windows. They must of thought we were the McCay They were all suicide people believe to over 2 jerry non coms said so as I was walking down the feeling it great.

April 29, 1945 Sunday

Because of our day off yesterday we had to work in passing. I stayed behind an sick call. We were to more to Moosburg today but we were given our choice to stay behind. It’s supposed to be to dangerous to get back. The Yanks are right outside of Munich. Tank fire can be heard as clear as day. Leaflets were thrown to civilians to stay in shelter & di our all soldiers & S.S. troops that are putting up resistance. I don’t know what what but I pray to God that we’ll be kept safe after so long a time. Bought a lighter for a bar of soap.

April 30, 1945 Monday

Late last night we left the box car for a nearby shelter. Tanks were to close. We slept sitting up Hitler died early this morning Mussolini committed suicide. It should be over soon. Small arm fire can be heard. There is very much activity here met a lovely German girl named Imgrad we exchanged addresses.

Liberation day at 4:00 p.m. we saw our first Amer Bees. It was led by the 42nd Div. The 45th was to follow but I didn’t stay to see it. It was a grand day & very unbelievable people shouted and greeted the soldiers. They all threw out stuff from K. rations. I gave mine to imgrad. Don’t know as yet what will do. We are back in the Box Cars.

May 1, 1945 Tuesday

A National holiday in Germany Early this morning the 900 of us were taken to the large gate house opposite the R.R. we were given K rations & a medical check. We are living in wonderful apts. We have a bedroom, kitchen, radio etc. I baked a cake in honor of 2nd Div. Liberators heard Sanmy Kaye & Ray Kayser. The boys took over the town. Their riding everything on wheels they’re so happy many get drunk. Its swell living but I’d like to get mane home

May 2, 1945 Wednesday

The Major “Whip” got us & gave us a talking to we filled out registration cards wrote letters home. I also sent one to Jack. He believes we’ll fly to La Hawe France from here & then take a lines, we can’t altho living in these apt. is grand visited imgard at her house.

May 3, 1945 Thursday

Got myself a bike & rode all over Munchen, Laeni & passing visited all friends I Knew got 10 eggs from one house 5 at another & soup at the third heard “Please don’t say no” & Cass Daily singing “always”.

May 4, 1945 Friday

The 42nd left our apt. for guard & the 45th took over they believe we’ll move out by Tuesday. While I was in the bedroom, I almost fell over by the sight of Joe Rubino. He was liberated this past day & was sent here in our apt. He gave me one of the two pistols he had. He looks good & believe I got then. I cooked dinner for 5 we had fried spuds, tuna fish, sardenes, meat & eggs, coffee, cakes & wine.

May 5, Saturday 1945

Took a shower & shave went to mass took a Harient from a French man after 7 months. Priest said “I don’t believe you und to marry about P.T.O.

May 6, Sunday 1945

Went to several houses to trade for eggs we were very successful returned to the room & had a good breakfast. We were broken down in groups of 25(5) for our future plain trips to La Hawe. A boy shat himself thru his hand fooling with a pistol. The bullet went thru another boys chest. I was right outside the door saw the 45th Div. Band cooked macaroni & grong for supper. Joe Rubino had dinner F with us. It turned out swell.

May 7, 1945 Monday – Victory Day in German

We are put on the alert to move out. It must be soon. Had 3 Italian political prisenors up the apt to eat they were so very hungry. I also gave them clothes met a finish fellow from Palestine. He gave me his brothers address to write to.

Just got radio news that the war was over at 2:00 A.M. This morning we heard church bell ring nearby at about 6:30 P.M. Radio news said “In N.Y. Crowds cheerded walking soldiers in the sheets. Telephone books were thrown from sky scrappers. In Britain flags were hung. The news is great but it would og been greater if I were still prisener.

Place Weeland with Unconditional Terms “April 7, 1945 Monday 2:00 A.M.

May 8, 1945 Tuesday

The war was announced officially over in Germany. Papers were signed etc. Crowds Cheered all over. Made enough hot water for all the boys to get a bath. A lovely day & it was spent on the sheets.

May 9, 1945 Wedneday

Our “Supposedly Day“ to move out.

Combat in France

An July 5th 1944 I arrived in France. I don’t recall the name of the Ship but it was a short trip over. We boarded L.C. I’s and hit the Omaha Beach. The weather was very bad. It was raining very hard on the L.C.I. The rain & strong wind hit us in the face & got us all soaken wet. When we hit land, the beach head was full of Engineers working on roads etc. The place was a very dreary place. I could see the remains of what was a good looking beach. The fighting there must of been tough & rugged along side of the banks there were many German pill boxes & Aug. in positions. It was my first sight of war. Just a short distance from us, we could see a cemetery for the American boys. Many wooden crosses could be seen & it wasn’t good for the moral.

When we left the L.C.I we had to carry our duffel bags which were completely full & heavy as can be. I remember little Joe walked out without his bag. When he was asked where it was he said “Someone is carrying it for me.” What a liar he was! I don’t blame him because he’s so little & almost the size of the bag. The walk with the bags was a long one & it continued for the rest of the stay in France.

Our first stop, we were placed in a large opened area. The whole Regt. Dug in almost on top of one another at right time we heard planes & saw flashes. The rumors certainly started then at that time, no one knew anything of what was going to happen. We just knew we were troops ready for combat. We did an awful lot of walking & eat a lot of “C” & “10 in 1 ” rations. We met & spoke to many French people who greeted us with opened arms. They gave us fruit wine & plenty of cider. I took all just to be sociable.

On July 8th, 1944, we took our first defensive position. We hand relieved the 2nd Bu. of the 29th Division. In this area we had our first causality Romanomski a boy from the fourth platoon was killed. . He was a runner & that particular night he was challenged by a sgt. on past & he didn’t knew or at least he didn’t answer with the countersign. The sgt. pulled the trigger & I should say squeezed the triggers & shot him dead. It was a terrible feeling for the rest of us. Beside that accident nothing else happened there. If I remember correctly that position was in Carathen.

Our big day was July 15th 1944 at 5:15 that morning we were to attack the enemy. This was on the way to St. Lo. Before the attack we were told that at 4:15 we were to have an artillery barrage like we never had before. Not one of us heard a thing. We left that morning all so very green. We were the original Co. from the states. I remember we were marching in a Bu. Formation & that’s all. Round about 5:15 there was all kind of fire all over the area. I was dumb founded & walked in a bent position all day. My squad (the first) was taken on the left & that all I know. When things quieted down a bit I found that half the Co. was killed & wounded. It was hard to believe. I guess I did when I saw their bodies lying about.

St. Benedict & his runner was wounded that day. Many a good buddy & Sgts had left us for good. It was the most I had ever see. At last I thought so at that time. From then on we continued on front lines seeing other battles & other men leaving. At the same time the original men who were wounded started to come back. What a break for them. Our next big battle was that of St. Lo. We fought on the out skirts of it for many days. The 1st Bu. of the 35th was fighting in the heart of town. When it finally fell we went right there it. It was bombed & shelled very heavily. There wasn’t an edging standing. Everything was completely flat. There wasn’t one road that could be walked on. What was there was built by our Engineers. The little remains looked like what might have been a very nice town. There was a very nice cemetery & also a park. Very many “Restaurant” & “Bar” signs could be seen. It must of been a very lively town. many German bodies & a few Americans. At times they could be seen together. German Prisoners were still being taken to our lives. They seemed so happy to be alive & a war prisenor.

Following St. Lo, There was the “Mortain” battle. About August 7th, 1944, our Bu. Medies were captured & the motor pool burnt down. Among the men taken prisenors their was my dearest friend Joe Rubino & father Hayes. Father Hayes was later on relieved. Joe had gone to the Medics for some Ailment. I thought he was sent to England. I Found out later on of his experience. Father Hayes was sent back with some sort of a deal to exchange Amer bags for medical officers & equipment. I don’t believe it ever went thru.

At this time the second Bu. or rather the 134th regt. was surrounded for 2 days. Their was no way of getting food to us. It was a miserable two days not because of our not receiving rations but because of the many causality there. The wounded men were put in a warley house & no good treatment could be given them. For some of us food was plentiful. I’ll never forget this little story. There was just eleven of us left in the 1st plateon. We were all very hungry as something had to be done. One fellow caught a chicken, our 1st St (who’s name I don’t recall) killed & cleaned it & I did the cooking. The pots & pans were gather from the nearly house, the burning of another Howe was used for a fire & vegtables were gather from the garden in front of our positions. During the preparations our area was being shelled every so often. It was very difficult to get it alone at one time. The men stayed in their hales & just wouldn’t move. Every men didn’t give a down too much so I proceeded to cook. After it was finished I had to deliver it to the bags.

All turned out very well. I failed to mention that after the chicken was cleaned & ready for cooking we were told to get ready to move in 5 minute. We prepared for rice move but it didn’t come thru. It did after the meal was fixed.

Our Lt. in question was hit with a piece of scrapnel in the behind. Since it was slight & he couldn’t he helped if he remained with the others, he come along on the move. He was a smell guy & thought very much of the few he had left. On we went the remains of a good platoon. This particular incident which I’ll continue from accured on August 10, 1944. It was still hedge row fighting & we were held up at one of them. It was 2 machine guns that held us up. We were told to move back some & that we would have a 15 minutes artillery Barrage. When it was over with & we proceeded to the next hedge row, we found the machine guns were still going strong. I heard that our Lt. was hit bad & that Sgt. Palmer was killed. Those of us who got to the first hedge row were ordered to open fire & give all we had. This I did & my rifle jammed on me. I fixed it 2 or 3 times but it continued to go wrong. This was because the barrel was to damn hot. The order to move to the next one finally came down. Here I was with a joined rifle & a bundle of new er. It was a very long hedge row & a doubtful one to cross. On we went & I with my rifle in the ready position but broken. The few of us were just about there when the M.Q. opened up on us & wounded & killed some. I got one bullet thru my left arm. It didn’t hurt me in the least but I cried very much. Calloway & another replacement dressed me up & gave me some pills. I wasn’t worried about myself but over one fellow who I didn’t recognize & was hit in several places. He were made the H.R & kept yelling for help. It was too dangerous for anyone to go over. Our C.O. finally came to our position & had us back we went over the hedge row on our right which had to the road. It was dangerous to walk back that way. But we all made it. I was told to go back to the medics. I saw Chester Simms after a few tears & part of what had just happened I threw my rifle to the ground & left.

I arrived to our Bu. medics & they sent me to the celentine station. There I saw our Rt. He wanted news of what happened but I cried to much to tell it straight. I kept thinking of all I had just seen. Our Lt. was a brave man. He could of gave back with almost nothing but went on till he got it there the back throat & lost a finger. From there we left for a callentine station with a beep. There was the driver our Lt. & a boy on a stretcher on the front of the beep. In the back there was another fellow & myself. It was a miserable ride for us. The bad roads were so bumpy & rough. The boy on the stretcher was quite sick & threw up lots of blood. It got worse when the dam driver lost his way. After a long time we got there once again I was treated & more tears come to me as I saw the men from my Co.come threw, The medical officer couldn’t understand my tears. They through it was over my slight wound. At this place the St. left us. In fact all left but me. Since I was a sitting patient I had to wait for an ambulance that carried 2 sitting & 2 stretcher. In that wait of time I saw too much I continued to break down. It was especially so when Christopher came in with a very bad leg. When we did bone, we were 2 sitting & Christopher & another badly wounded boy (Whom I didn’t know) from our Co. Inside Christopher wanted to hold my hand & was so very interested in the boy lying above him. He was really bad off & was given a blood plasm. The consuaties were coming in by the dozens since there were so many & so much more important then me. I didn’t go to the Eac-hospital with Chris. I went on to the C.F. ward. There we were given some Bean soup & put to sleep in an ambulance outside. We were 3 or 4 of us. One boy had “Q“ rations so we started to eat. It was a very long night but it when by. We spoke of different tales that had happened to us. The next morning we were given a good breakfast & registered for the tent hospital. It was a nice area & it had 4 very large tents for the patients & 2 smaller once for an office. By this time I learned that C.E meant “Combat exhaustion”. Men who couldn’t take it on the line were sent back for a 3 day rest. I met quite a member of fellows from the Co. They had been there several times. I remember they were talked about as being yellow. It seemed just before an attack they would break down & go to the “C.E.” ward. It made no difference to me. I had spent my first 24 hours there & still no treatment was given to my arm. They treated me like everyone else.

The same old first aid bandage Jerry put on my arm was still there. I got quit mad & complained about it to Lt. Hallister. He told me he’d take care of it later. When I was ignored for some time. I become furious. I saw Lt. Hallister & said “ Lt. this may be a rest area for broken down men but I didn’t come here for a rest. I’m no more exhausted than the rest of the 35th. I came here to have my arm fix & no more even looked at it. He must of realized his mistake & changed the dressing. The next morning it was looked at by a major of special troops. For the next 10 days he treated to tell it was in good shape. He asked if I had gotten a purple heart. I said “no”. so he gave me one & fixed records. Before he did he asked if I had proof of my being hit by a M.Q.D said “My arm & my shirts with seven holes is my only proof. I didn’t hold it with me for 5 minutes before I mailed it off to Jack Vitucci. The Div. Post office was right there. I sent it 1st class mail & sent an air mail letter explaining it. I surely thought the letter of explanation would get there first but it didn’t. I got a letter from Jack asking me to explain the “Purple heart”. I didn’t dare sent it to my folks. They would never believe that my wound was so slight.

The days went by fast at this ward. I had a grand time. The food was excellent we went swimming in water nearby & listened to the radio every day. Our favorite program were “Combat Diary” & popular music by put. Monaham. Each night we had general services. I use to listen from the inside of my tent. I also wrote many letters here. I sure made up for the past. I also met many new friends here. I became quite friendly with one. I didn’t care for them too much because they always spoke of not wanting to go back. It proud that they were afraid & not exhausted. I still didn’t care because I didn’t blame them. In 10 days I started to get bad ideas myself. It suddenly went over with. To me there wasn’t any better out fit than the 1st sq. of the 1st platoon of “F”. Co. my friends were old ones from the states. That is what was left of them.

At this ward the men would only stay for a 3 or 4 days rest. I was due for the same stay. Since a big push was on all trucks were used for the front. We had to stay behind. If it didn’t accur then. I would of been back in 4 days. As it was. I stayed there for 10 days. All was well except that I wasn’t getting any mail & I was so hungry for some. More pleasant days here was when we bought fresh eggs from the French People. We use to drink lots of coffee also.

Just before the 10 days were up & me were ready to move.I heard that a Catholic mass was to be held in a nearby area. I hadn’t been to one in so long a time so I naturally went over. As I passed a com of lorged tent. I heard a voice yell. “Batlista, Batlista”. I went over to it & to my biggest surprise it was father Hayes. The first there he said was I’m so sorry about your film, it was burnt at the pool together with all my other equipment. I was so glad to hear him speak to me again. He was the one to give the mass that day. I’m so glad I saw him before the mass or I would of never believed it was him. He told me of his stories about being a German Prisenor. I laughed when he told me that they took Kentucky wiannrs from him because they were good amer Cigerattes. He said he was treated well there & that the other boys were O.K. During mass a correspondent from Yonk Magazine was taking pictures of the whole ceremony. Father Hayes had all French equipment. I was sitting right up, front & believe I got into the photo’s. I was wearing a bandage on my arm & let the sun get at it. I was worried about my family seeing it. I had done so much lying to them. Jack was the only one I trusted with the news.

At last the time came to more the C.E. ward closer to our lines. We were up very early that morning. We all helped load the trucks & went on our way. We were given 3 or of Biscuit & Candy boxes from the 10 in 1 rations. Thru the different French towns we thru out all of our goodies to the civilians. It was fun seeing them make a grab for it. Some of the towns we went thru were Le mans, Orleans & many more which I can’t recall at the present. The people were so happy over there newly liberated towns. After a very long trip we arrived in the area which Division was occupying while there by luck I ran into Rao. We had just a short talk. He had to have in a hurry. We was so happy to see me & seemed so proud. He always told me about reading up on the 134 in the stars & stripes.

We stayed at Div. Overnight & arrived at my Co. Kitchen area the next morning. Ozark was so happy to see me. I received all my mail. He showed me all the mail that was for the boys who would never get to see them. It was sad to read so many names of friends I knew so well. I was suppose to get a rifle & new equipment at the kitchen area but I didn’t. Late that day I was taken to the Co. area. They weren’t doing much at the time. All looked so very different to me. Hedge rows were all gone. All that could be seen was open fields. Red me Sowan & simms were still there so I stayed with them in Hq. Platoon. I continued being runner for my new Lt. His name was Polk. The division wasn’t doing much in this area. In fact since I left them Aug. 10th they had been resting. I had lots of fun in this area. Red, Simms & I were old buddies. We ate lots of fresh eggs & lots of bread. We left this area by truck & wound up in the out skirts of the town of “X e” we stayed here for 10 days or so. We went to the Morris lot in restaurants. Had some good food there. We went to church & with many new friends. Pete, white & myself ate at some peoples house every night. We were setup in tents in a very nice wooded area. We also did some close order drill there & took short walks. In town we saw the hair cut off of many French Girls who were friendly with the Germans.

Tales of P.O.W. Days Sept. 11, 1944

Like any other soldier. I thought of several things that could and might happen to me in combat. Outstanding in my mind was being “Killed” or getting seriously wounded. I have now learned that being taken “Prisenor of war” is another important factor. I now wonder why I didn’t give it more thought. If I had perhaps being captured would not of been such a great surprise. It was more or less like a shat in the arm. The big day was on Sept. 11, 1944. The time was 4:00 a.m. in the morning. It took place while crossing the Moselle River in France. Before we started out for our objective we were told that it was going to be a tough nut to crack. I believe another out fit had tried it but failed. With all that in mind. I still didn’t give it much thought & was ready to follow the man in front of me. We were in a wooded area when plans were given out for the crossing. It was set for the 11th so we were told to dig in for the night.

In no time at all picks & shovels could be heard hitting the dirt. There was one loud bang throughout the area. It was then when the order came down to quit digging. We then realized the enemy was not to far & we could be heard. It was certainly proven to us when the sound of enemy fire was in our area. With no holes to get into, there were many married minds. It wasn’t to bad because the fire was not continuous. It was just “now & then”. At last the order came down to continue with our holes but to make as little noise as possible. We weren’t allowed to use the picks. All we could do was shovel the dirt out. That was impossible because the ground was solid rock. With the digging situation the way it was & my not owning a shovel of my own. I quit then & there. Lt. Palk & myself then continued to read a copy of the “Stars & Stripes” which we carried with us. I remember reading about the “point system” that would help us return to civilian life.

At this time some of the boys had started to bed down. They were sure burnt up when we were told that we would have to cross the River that night. I still don’t understand why the order was ever changed. Anyway it was a messy affair and a very slow one. It took hours to get our Bu. across. It was very dark out & you could barely see the man in front of you. We had to keep very close contact or we would surely get last. In fact, in one particular spot there had been some confusion it was taken care of so we continued on. It was still going very slow & many stops were made. I’ll never forget my sitting down next to a plum tree & keeping myself busy eating. I sure had my fill of plums. By this time, we had reached the bridge & the crossing was in progress. It was a hell of a long bridge & I still don’t see how we come out of it alive. The enemy had it Zerald in & was spraying it with machine gun fire. It was a horrible sight for many boys were killed & wounded. Some sort of a shat hit in front of me & a buddy but no harm came. It was just a noise & a flare. It did scare us very much but that’s all. At last I was finally on the other side but everything was all messed up. Our C.O. was new with an Infantry Co. & Couldn’t handle us very well. He didn’t know who went where so we were all bunched up in one spot. It was the start of a miserable night. There was fire all over the darn place & we wouldn’t dare to move. The enemy was making the usual noise we were so accustomed to we were finally separated & put in separate positions. The positions weren’t any good because the enemy was right above us & could look down at us. I was placed on the extreme right & was next to Lt. Polk. We had started to dig in but it was of no use. We were much to close to one another & our feet almost touched the water. A Lt. from another Co. came to our spot to see if he could get some of his men on the right of us. Lt. Palk stuck his head to the right but was immediately picked up & wounded. He was pitful sight but nothing new to look at. The time was slowly but surly passing by. It was about 4. when enemy tanks had us completely surrounded. They hadn’t fired at us because they were waiting for our reply to whether or not we were going to surrender. Lt .Polk said it was O.K. & to go out. It was done with no waste of time. We had a tough night & thanked god that it was over & we were alive. They took some wounded men which were later separated from us. Some men tried to cross the river again. They Swam across before the tanks surrounded us but were fired at with machine guns. I don’t know if they ever made it back. I pray they did cause me Gowan & Simms were among them. Once in prisenor hands things changed fast. They placed us on a road & immediately searched us. Our guards were pretty nice. They offered us cigarettes & asked us were we from New York. It seemed to be a popular spot for them. I don’t believe anything was taken away from the boys. That came later on. They walked us 10 K. & we arrived in Nancy. It was a large town but I’d of enjoyed seeing it with the Americans. The French people gave us sly looks & the sign of Cheer & good luck to us. It was a long walk thru the town but we finally arrived at a school building where we stayed for a short part of the day. Prior to that we were taken to German officer quarters where we were searched again. Our kumils were taken away from us & all Jerry sommeliers we had picked up. As they marched up to the school building they took pictures of us. They were undoubtedly used for proper gaudo purposes. Food at our new quarters was scarce. It was all given to us by the French. Some es. I’s that were there did the cooking. The only rations Jerry gave us 3 looves of bread & some fresh fruit. They just placed it on a table & the men made a grab for it. Many did get any. I had a 10 in 1 join ration which I split among the boys. It was good but didn’t last very long. When we were about to leave Nancy. I noticed that my field jacket was stolen. I believe it was taken by an Italien prisenor that was there. I sure missed it later on. Time soon came to leave for a camp some boarded a box car we travelled for four days. We were 44 men in the box car & food & drink was scarce. Our guards were young boys & were all good. They got us fruit from nearby trees. Gave us tobacco now & then. We didn’t do to bad till we arrived at stalag XIIA in Linburgh. The date was Sept. 15, 1944 at last we were finally processed. We also wrote out some cards to mail home. Our stay there was for 9 days. I volunteered to work in the processing building checking clothing for incoming Amer. & Eng. Prisenors. At XIIA we received our first Amer. Red Cross parcel. It was all so new to me. It was to be split between two men. One day while working in the office, we had an air raid. Our bombers bombed the town outside the camp. It was a terrible feeling & felt very clase. The hitting was done beyond our tents. I surely thought it was out in our area. I was relieved later on. Our stay in Lindburgh was for 9 days. We were separated from our non-coms & sent to another camp. Once again we boarded box cars & headed for Stalog VIIA in Moosburg. We left Sept. 24th & had one parcels with us. One new camp was suppose to be our permanent camp. We were glad because we didn’t like traveling the R.R. in box cars. It was to big of an objective for our plans. They never failed to hit them. We never failed to be on the R.R.’s at the time. The same amount of men were in the car again. This time we all had a parcel & a can to be used for a “Latrine”. One day of the trip went by & no food & drink was given to us. One can was completely filled but it made no difference to them. They didn’t even open the door to let us throw it out. The can sure had it’s familar order & it wasn’t pleasant all over the floor. The boys had to drain it out thru the cracks. I didn’t do my share of it. It made me sick to look at it. Lying it in at night was enough for me. To make things more miserable we were in the mist of an air raid. It happened in the Frankfurt rail road yards. It was an awful feeling. I didn’t think we’d live thru it. Some English men were in the rear of the car & they had been hit. When we heard them coming down we all dug our heads under each others body. They didn’t let us out to get to an air raid shelter so we could do nothing but sit tight & pray. God knows I did plenty. After it was all over a boy gave a wonderful prayer of thanks. It brought tears to my eyes & many more.

At long last the can was emptied. I was starting to dread another night in the car. We arrived in camp the next morning. It was 2 a.m. & the date Sept 26th. They put us all in one large barrack. We were so crowed we couldn’t walk around at all. We weren’t hungry because bread was given to us. It was drink we wanted. They brought in buckets of hat tea. Every man made a grab bar it. It was riot. The night was slowly going by but no one slept. The boys walked around the clark & picked up rumors here & there. Some were good & some bad.

The next morning we learned that we were in stalog VIIA located in Moosburg. The barracks we lived in were known as south lodger. Our stay there was for 3 days. We went thru the processing business once again. We were searched & some clothing was taken away from us. The Jerry who went thru. My pockets took my zippo lighter. I sure did miss it. When we were thru being processed, we left for the main part of camp & barrack 51. Before we entered camp we were deloused & took showers. It was a Friday when we entered the new barrack & our first parcel was given to us. I believe it was an English box. We finally got settled down there & I become to known the Sgt in charge of us. His name was Eddy. He selected me to become section leader of section #9 my job was to feed the men get them up in time for roll call and to send them out on certain details that came up. It wasn’t a bad job but to many arguments involved while there the English hand come over for a show. I saw Bonnie for the first time. He was more like a woman than a woman is. He sang for us & was given a big hand. The Russian men use to come over to give us shows & haircuts. The price was 1 cigarette or 2 for the combination. I took a try once. At that time we found the blomer to be a rather popular stone. No one used plain fries with saus. It was old fashion. The blowers were made by the boys & sometimes sold for 30 cigarettes. They were to complicated for me so I didn’t bother to foal with them I did make myself a frying pan from the English cookie can.

After the 2nd or 3rd week there we had our first big air raid. We heard the bombing & even saw some of our planes come down It was a sad sight but we later learned that the men were alive & taken prisenors in our camp. The bombing was done in Muchen Germany. Because of it, our compound started to send us there to work on the rail road. It was really a sight to see. Everything was completely knocked to hell. The R.R. was so badly bombed that we were let off the trains an hours walk from our job. It was crazy to send our G. I’s to work there. We just did nothing but hang around. The boys use to run around here & there trading for bread cheese etc. We sure came in with plenty of bread. Things weren’t to good with the job we had to get up at 4 a.m. & never did get to work before 10 a.m. at night we use to get in at 11:00 & 12:00 with the situation the way it was, it was tough getting us to mark. The Jerry’s had to bring the dogs in to get us out in the morning. They were mean looking dogs & they sure got us out. The boys use to hide in the latrine, barracks & down the air raid shelters. The hiding places were known so the dogs were sent all over the compound. This went on for sometime & still is.

One night when we got back from Munchen we found that the boys who stayed in from work would over to another compound. We moved over the next day. We went to barrack #8. It was a much nicer place than 51 & held more men. The boys were all in the same sections & I was still leader of #9. There were 4 barracks in the compound. It held 1400 Americans. It’s quite a lot of men but every compound was crowded We still continued to work in Munchen but it was much better than before. They finally got a system where we got a few days off in a week. They also started the potatoe detail at this time. It was a hell of a job. The Weather was getting cold & it was hell on the feet. The only good thing about it was the row spuds we took with us. They were filling with the little soup we got every day. One day I refused to go to the potatoe detail & didn’t go. My reason was my not having a jacket. They were 12 of us who didn’t go that day. Eddie called the German Sgt. & got us out. I still refused so the Jerry saw me personally. He said “get to work or I’ll get the bloody dog after you”. He spoke English. Sure want it. I told him I didn’t have a jacket He said “when you work you get warm” I was so mad I called Eddie all sorts of names. I lost & did go to work. After the day was over. I was determined to get out of work for good. I went to see the British Dr who was a captian. I complained of my rupture & got a “No work ship”. I guess that got Eddie because he because very friendly with me. I guess I finally won & was satisfied. I was then placed in section #10. The men there were unrecognized medics & other men who had ailments. I still continued my job as section leader of #9 until the argument got to thick & I quit altho I didn’t work anymore. I still went to Muchen now & then when I needed bread & had tea & stuff to trade. I could say that I had it pretty soft now.

Round about this time a new lot came to our compound. The men were from the 34th Division. I met Johnnie & George & became very good friends with them. I guess it was because they were Italian. Our barrack click consisted of 20 or more Italians we had lots of fun playing cards & the Italian member game. Our parcels were coming in pretty steady but they were changed Fiona 1 parcel between 2 men once a week to 3 parcels a week 6 men to a parcel. We use to put our tea together & bun every night. I would prepare it while they were out to work.

Round about this time the Munchen detail was completely stopped. Some throat epidemic was running around. We had our throats examined quite frequently no one ever got it real serious. The boys stayed in for 2 weeks & got use to not working. During that time, Muchen was hit almost every day. It had gotten its worse so the boys went back to work again. It was again a job to get them out.

During my stay indoors, I saw 2 shows put on by the English. One was “The Barretts of Wimpole St.” & the other “Band wagon”. Bath were excellent. I become quite fond of the vocalist known to us as “Butch”. I enjoyed his singing just as much as Frank Seriatro. Beside the shows put on at the French Theatre. They also entertained us at the different barracks each Sunday. They were great & a grand morale builder.

One fine day. I got my greatest surprise. I found that my good friend Joe Rubini was also the prisenor in the same stalog. He was captured Aug. 8th together with our Bu. Medics & father Hayes. He was in another compound so I couldn’t see him very often. I had to bribe bath guards to let me out one gate & in the other we use to meet each Sunday in church. It didn’t last very long because he was to leave on commando. He gave me a ring for a remembrance.

I hated to say “so-long” to him. I’m sure he felt the same. I could see it on his face. Some day I’m sure we’ll meet again.

I Just recalled that I got into trouble once more with the Jerry’s. It happened when the Chow detail from section #10 went out for the daily soup. We were known as “Kelly’s Commondoe”. We were outside the kitchen waiting when a wagon pulled up to Oliver row spuds to the kitchen. I left from the detail over to the wagon & filled my pockets. An English Lager police man told me to leave them but I & 20 others just ignored him. He got mad & grabled me by the arm to turn me in. As we walked to a barrack. I ran away from him. He had my number so they finally found me. I had to see Captain Marheim that night. It wasn’t bad at all. After a lot of talk thru the interpreter all was well. It was considered my first offence so nothing was done about it. I was afraid I was going to wind up in the “Sonder barrack”. It was suppose to be cold there.

Time was surely passing by because the Xmas holiday was coming closer at last it was here & it was blue one. The Jerry’s tried to treat us better than usual. We had a third loaf of bread. Patotoe soup & piece of roast beef with gravey. Beside that we got a parcel per prisenor. George & I made a bowl full of pudding. It turned out swell. On Christ was night, our barrack put on a little show. We didn’t have gifts to give one another so we sent each other greeting cards & read them out. We had many laughs. The barrack certainly looked nice with all the colorful timmings, we made them all our selves. Our tree was a small one but very nice. We had 12 balls on it. Late that night when it was all over a few friends stayed up a while longer than the barrack came walking a group singing Xmas carals. I was so blue I cried & thought of my family at home. George felt the same way we were all glad when it was all over. We went back to our normal way of living.

My stay in the barrack wasn’t long after Xmas. On the morning of Dec. 29th I had just started to write in this book when I heard my name called out for commands. I had to leave in a hurry & rush out. George & Johnnie had been working. Tony went for a shower so I didn’t say so long to them. I left word & ran off. From this point on I started a diary of my commondo. I’ll have to continue here when it’s all over with. I hope it’s not soon. I got to like it here very much.

The commondo was finished on my birthday we arrived back to camp VIIA Feb. 5, 1945. I intended to continue on “P.O.W. Tales” but I decided to continue 1945 with a daily diary.

“The End”

The Boat ride & Stay in England

After our stay in Butner, we left for Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. Stayed there for 7 days. Was restricted 3 days & went home the following four. Took Semins & Morrocco home once. Went to Jack Denys say's.

Left Kilmer May 10th. Arrived at Boat S.S. Alexander on the 11th. We got Coffee, Doughnuts & Candy by Red Cross Women. The band Played for us. As I boarded I ausmend "James" to my second name. Left for "Destination Unknown" on the 12th. Had lots of fun on trip. I didn't get sick once. Saw movies lot well, received R.C. Seit, Band played on deck, peatried unloading of boat & had many laughs with Duffy Van Joe & Morrocco. Our Dust sight of land was at Belfast. I looked great. We continued on and arrived in Bristol, England at 9 A.M. May 25th.

We boarded a train & arrived late at night in St. Ives. There was rumor that we would live in tents. All concerned were my worried about it. At last we walked out the station. We came to the "Bay Hotel" & went inside. It was a very nice place & had a beautiful view. Our Window faced the Bay. We were restricted for several weeks. They men use to sneak out. I never did. I waited for my first pass. I had a grand time. From then on I went out every night. Went to a dance on a movie most every day. The day light hours were from 4.30 A.M. to 11:30 P.M. The dance hall curtains were shut to give the atmosphere. Met Alice Roberts at the clavee. We became great friends & more. She was married but it made no difference. She lived in the Chy-Morvah Hotel & worked there. We went to the hotel every night after going out. Become quite friendly with Mrs. Cacking. She liked me & my friends. She met them all. Duffy was going with Kay. We had many laughs. Had many mid-night snacks at the Hotel.

Many young girls use to stay around the hotel some were very dirty. They just loved Americans. The children would say "got any gum, Chum". Met many cats there.

We didn't do any training. Just a short march & close order drill, we would go down to the beach for classes. Went swimming quite often. The Co. always marched then the heart of town. We stood retreat in the heart of town. Lots of people turned out for our base ball games. Ate in many restaurants. The chief meal was fish & Chips. I didn't drink the bitter been there. Had a job getting use to English money. The Movies shown were very old.

Met Monti Hartfield & Mary in the "Doughnut dugout". Monti was swell. She together with Alice went home. Mary was quite the girl. A Fondener in a small town. Monti helped many of us to hear from our friends. I never succeeded.

The people of St. Ives got to like us as much as the boys of the 29th. They were crazy about the 29th. They returned to hospitals in St. Ives after "D" day. It was quite a time in England on that day went to the town Church every Sunday. Priest told us not to give the Children money & cigarettes. The Children were really bad.

Bought many cakes during schedule times. They are very plain but good. Had the best at Mrs. Cockings She was Scatch & fairly rich-altho our leaving St. Ives was a secret. We were given a big farewell dance by the people. It was a lot of fun. Was suppose to have chicken dinner with Alice the Sunday we left.

It was a sad day when we left St. Ives. I don’t recall the name of the Ship. We arrived in France July 5, 1944. Continuation is "Combat in France

I've written Alice while in France but only received one letter. A letter from Monti Hartfield explained that we were very much missed in the town. I'm sure we all missed them very much. The days that followed our stay in England weren't at all pleasant.

I didn't see to much of England but I'd really love to go back. Perhaps I will some day in the future. Until then I'll keep in mind the wonderful days I spent in St. Ives, England.

The End.

Combat in France "Continued"

In this area every man was issued a gt of Conjaoe. The Lts got Champagne besides the Conjaoe. We had lots of fun here. The bays sent home many Souvenirs they had bought in town.

We left this area by trucks & continued again in another fight. F Co with only a Sq. from "Y" Co. leading us took & liberated the town of Amily. It wasn't a large town but there were many Germans there. We killed about 7 wounded 20 as so & took about 40 prisoners. I remember walking up the St. to my Sq. When a women called me. She made signs letting me understand that 2 jury's wanted to surrender. She took me to a shack. I was in the ready position with my rifle. I surely thought they were going to walk out. Instead I found all of their equipment inside. She then took me to their position behind the house. It was a very deep hole & had about six steps leading down to it. Up they came with their hands Clasped behind their heads. I put them together with the others stood guard over all. We had done some good work because not a single man was killed or wounded.

Soon after French & American flags were put up. The church bells were ringing all over town. The people were so proud of us & gave us all. This was something I always wanted to be in on. At last I was in a town before it was liberated. We stayed in the heart of town for 2 days. During our stay there I got a Hair cut & shampoo for 20 Franc’s froom madame Marie. She was very fast with the scissors & cut a great member of heads from the Co. while waiting inside I wrote a letter to mat & also home. Red, Chester & myself really went wild in this town we had lots of laughs with the young girls. Simms had received a box of candy & it sure made a hit with the people. We lived in a barn & craked our meals in the people’s house. We use to wait till they got thru eating & then we would use all. St Palk had his harmonica here. We always sang together. He had a swell voice during our stay here we all eat plenty of fresh eggs. We sometimes use to see who get the most. At one time we collected 75.

I failed to mention that there were also 2 German girls with the soldiers. They were sweet hearts of two of the Germans. They hated us all. They took care of the wounded besides our own medics. The girls weren’t bad to look at.

Once again we got set to leave another swell place. We boarded trucks & left from in the heart of town. It was quite carly but that didn’t stop the town’s people to greet us farewell & “Good Luck”. Before I got on the truck I went into the church & prayed that we’d be watched over for the future days to come. My prayers were always answered.

From Aimly we went on and arrived in the small town of “Germany” in France. This was more or less of a villiage. We lived in a barn as usual. This town wasn’t very far from Nancy. I became very friendly with a girl there. She was wearing a pin with “Nancy” on it. I thought it would be a smell sourvineir for my mother. I asked the girl for it but she refused me. She said her boy friend in the free French gave it to her. I pinched here cheek & said “Come on Bon Sourvineir”. I kissed my finger after they touched her face. I guess she fell for it cause I got it soon after. I last no time in sending it home to mom. I also picked up more pins from other girls. It was very hard to get bread here. Just enough was made to supply the town people. With the situation being so, they boys still got what they went after. The people who owned the barn we lived in gave us use of their stone in the house. Some of the boys made them cooke spuds they had stolen from their garden. Once again we wrote letters & Lt. Polk did the ceveouing. I still took care of all mail going to Azark. In this town there were many plums. I remember going to Hg. for the Co. to visit Red & Cluster. They had a large bus? & I ate almost half. I use to lone the darn things. When we hit the town at first ten minutes later there wasn’t an egg to be gotten. I had to mention the mad rush the boys made for eggs. Red did quite well for himself.

I’m almost sure that we were here on a Sunday Father Hayes gone a mass in the town’s church many of the town’s people use to come along. Usually father Hayes gives us general absolution before communion. This time he listened to confession. I was so glad later on it proved to be so. That was the last mass I heard on the line. I believe he also gave “Benidiction that afternoon. All was so very beautiful after mass the boys felt for certain that something was going to be up. Father Hayes always gave a mass before a fight or battle of some sort. He was our good proof of a future battle. He didn’t fail us at all. After “Germany” came the crossing of the “Maselle River” To me a very important battle. If it wasn’t for the Maselle river. I would never be able to write in the “War log”. In fact I would never he the owner of one. Many days when things are lonly & one doesn’t went to think about food, He lies on his bunk & thinks of the past days & of his wonderful company. How often I wished I was never the owner of the “War time Log”. The battle of the Maselle river is the start of my “P.O.W. Tales”. I guess thats all of my “Combat in France”.

There are so many other days of importance that I spent in France. It’s in my mind but so very faint. What I have written is to the best of my knowledge. Some day when I am together with Red or some other nearby friends we shall talk of the fun we had no more. I pray to God each night that that day wont to be to far off.

“The End”

Outline of Garrision Life

On Jan. 1, 1943 I was inducted into the army. It was a fine way for me & my family to spend New Years day. My Family gave me a little celebration. Many of my friends were there. I don’t believe I had as good a time as I pretended to have. My mother looked so sad all night long. As in every other house, many tears were shed.

On Jan. 8th 1943 I left home far Camp Dix. Once again there were many tears. My brother, sisters & two friends saw me off.

On Jan. 8th I arrived in Dix. I was placed in “D”. Co. my stay there was for 21 days. I was doing special duty work in the insurance room. Because of my work I was given a weekend pass. I felt ashamed in the new uniform while home. It was good to be home again but it didn’t last very long. Back to Dix I returned.

On Jan. 28 I boarded a train. It was a very bad day. It was hailing as usual. Our destination was unknown.

On Feb. 2, 1943 I arrived in son Louis Obispo California. The five day train ride was a very interesting experience. It was all new to me. I went thru many states & Saw quite a bit from the windows. In California I was placed in the 1st Bu. Hq. Co. for a few days. I was then transferred to the 2nd Bu. Hq. Co. for basic. This incidentally was the 320th Infantry. It was just formed by the newly inducted men. While in the 2nd Bu. I went to message centre school. Parts of it was interesting but I didn’t care for it. While here we only received 6 hour places so all I could visit was S.L.O. It was a very nice little town. On one week end pass I went together with Rao & Louie to Pismo Beach. It was early in the season & their wasn’t anything doing there. Thru letters I found the Rao was in M. Co. and Louie C.Co. we were great friends.

On March 28th 1943 we left Calif. we were in Los Angels & from the train window I saw the will Rogers memorial. It was a pretty sight.

On April 2, 1943 I arrived in Camp Rucker, Alabama. The climate their was very hot. A few days after the arrival, I was again transferred. This time I went to “F” Co. of the 134th Inf. Louie went to “C” Co of the 137th & Rao went to the 135th ordance. The other 2 Regts were old so they mixed the new men with them.

I hated the new out fit. I was sorry to leave all my friends from up north. In “F” Co. they were all from the south. Until I become friendly with them. I was very much disliked.

In Alabama we went thru basic again & then advanced training. We went out on bivonoe for 3 days & returned to camp on the weekends. I didn’t care for it very much. .

While in Rucker. I got sick one time. I had fever & trouble with my nose. I was there for about a week. Louie visited me. I had a grand time there. In fact I become a past to one Lt. Nurse. She took my shoes & trousers away from me. I was forced to stay in bed. If I was out of bed I’d be playing with the wheel chair or roaming around visiting our wards all was forbidden.

I had my first guard duty here. It was for two weeks straight I was guarding the water Pipes. The hours were 6 hours on & 6 off. The nights were very lonly. One time I was caught by the O.D. trying to kill a lizard. There were many around. I was to get a 5 day pass for it but didn’t.

One time I fell out of a hike and got Co. punishment for one week. I was very stubborn & lost out. Because of it I was again disliked by Co. Friends. I didn’t care either I was only interested in Louie, Rao, & Dale McMinn. Dale later left the army for good. He sent me a good parcel & a braclet.

I received my first 16 day furlough while in Alabama. It took me 32 hours to get home. Altho I made my family happy while being home. I was disgusted to stay home. All my friends worked & no one was ever around. I spent many days alone. I went to the Hotel Astor with John, Rose & Rose’s cousin for me. We had a swell time.

Back to Alabama I returned. By this time I become P.I.C. I believe it was in Sept. sometime. I was told my Sgt. Housen & Sgt. Coakly while in the Service Club. I was very shy. Louie & Rao sure kidded me about it. I did to them to.

Louie & Rao & I continued to visit Dathon & Ozark. Bath was a very dull place for us. We went to dance but I never danced. I didn’t like being cut in & it never failed to happen. While in Dathon we slept at Mrs Clarke. She was a wonderful woman & treated us swell. She charged us a dollar a bed for the night. She knew everything of what was going on in the army & when an outfit was moving & where.

Three day passes were usually available and I had several of them on my first one I visited Panama City Florida with van. We met 2 Jewish girls. One was married. I had the single one. We had a per feet time. Panama city was a lovely place & it had swell beach.

One other pass I visited Joe Erichiello in Atlanta ard. Coin Atlanta, Georgia. It’s a swell place. It struck me as being runtime of Times sq. Joe worked nights. We slept in a hotel together. The next day we went to his barrack. I shaved & took a shower. He introduced me to his friends there. We were to take pictures but the weather didn’t permit. On stay in Alabama lasted 9 months. On Nov. 15th 1944-3 we left for Tenn. Mononvers. We arrived by truck on Nov. 18th. It was a very cold trip. The training we got was interesting but it was too cold. Our X-Mas & New Year was spent there. Our Xmas dinner was eaten in the rain. We were given a party in the open. The town people contributed all. Father Hayes couldn’t pay for a thing. We had a nerestache contest & I One. I was very much embarrassed because I never more one before. I got a very big peppermint stick but it never got home. I was very mad at Ozark for it. I still believe he ate it.

During our various problems I had a grand time getting last from the Co. Some of us left for days. We lived in Barns & ate with farmers. I had some very good meals.

We got several passes there. We could only visit Murfreesboro. I did quite after & met Dorothy Goldstein She wasn’t very pretty but a very sociable girl. She wanted to fix Joe van. Simms, & Red with girls & got out. I was to be with her. It never did go thru.

Monomers were finally over & men started to go home on furlough. Joe left from Jean. So that he could see his brother who was back from panama. The rest of us got on trucks and left for Camp Butner. North Carolina while on trucks we had to shine our shoes so as to make a good impression on the people of Durham. I wasn’t in the new camp for a short time when I went home on furlough again. This time it was only eleven days. This was sometimes in Feb. I was very lucky & happy to be home for my 23 birthday.

My sisters gave me a little party. My friends were there & again bought me gifts. It made me feel like a kid again. It was all grand. I was also fortunate enough to be home for Louie’s wedding. That was a very nice affair. It was a very fast furlong. Before I knew it I found myself back in Butner. Louie’s furlough started after mine so he returned later with Ann. Before either one of us got back. We heard that our Division was due to leave for West Virginia in Mt. Monomers. It sure came true.

Annie had to return home because of it. We left again by trucks. We stayed in W. Va. For 3 weeks. We had some very good equipment & a very rugged training. I climbed all the nets. I’ll ever want to climb. We made the trips with a very heavy load on our backs. We were all very happy when that period was over. Back to N.C. we came. It was near Easter time & I was fortunate to be home for it. I got less than a 3 day pass.

My train left at 9.00 p.m. on the Friday & I arrived Sat. Morning at 9.00 A.m. I left again on Sunday at 4:00 P.M. & got back 4:00 AM. Monday morning Louie couldn’t get that type pass but he was home anyway. He left Sat. at 9 P.M. arrived Sunday at 9:00 a.m. He had 7 hours home. He got back on my train. It was watch being home for the holiday.

Once again in Butner & there was strong rumors of going overseas. A Co. Party which was held in the Washington Duke hotel proved it. It was a grand affair. I met the wife of Lt Benedict I had a swell time dancing all night. She must of liked me especially because she know I was her husband’s striker. I had such a grand time that I got drunk. I guess it was really for the first time. In fact I got sick out side on the streets. I don’t recall how I got back to camp I know van & other friends took we back. I was made fun of since then. Our few remaining days there me got clothing & packed up. Butner was a swell camp. It was so convent to get home. I’m sorry & regret that it didn’t last longer.

On may 1st or Second we left Butner for Kilmer while there we had a swell time. I called up home & made appointments to see them. The P.X. & the food at the Kitchen was plentiful. I believe I got fatter. We were restricted for 3 days. In that time I went looking for Louie & Saw him. At last I got home for 4 days. The last day I knew I wasn’t to return but let them believe I would. It was so much nicer this way. I saved a lot of tears & I felt better myself although I thru many hints of my camp. I never did tell them where I was from this point on I continue with “The Boat ride & stay in England”Page “93”

“The End”

My Mucker’s

The English term “Mucker is commonly known to a “York” as “Buddy”. It’s a wonderful system if two get along very well & are agreeable. My first Mucker was Walter Linscott. It started in XIIA Lindbergh. Parcels were one between 2 so I found myself a better half. Walt loved his milk & to cat as well. He never thought of tomorrow. This was a poor way to back at theuqe. very glad I was when we received our own parcel for two weeks. It was so when we left for VIIA Mossberg. Linscott was still around but I preferred to be alone. In barrack “51” South Lodger. I met Tony Lombardo also from my co. He had just fast his buddy frank Bobuska. Some how or other the Buddy system was in swing again. It Tony loved to gamble & he was never around when supper or meals were ready. It use to get cold during the time I hunted for him. It started to get me so off went another Buddy at this time I surely wanted to be along again. I did for sometime antil I left for commands. While in Landshut, someway or another I was teamed with Gil & Troisi. I didn’t realize at the time that it was going to be double trouble. Gil was lazy & didn’t eat till It was put in his month. Fred loved to sleep & got quite use to meals in bed. Before we did split us, Gil left for commando. I tried to get along with Fred but he was just a dumb kid. He did what Buddies never do & that was to throw up things be alone. One day he just took his part of the parcel & brake off. I was really glad I surely thought I moved be alone for good but it turned the other way. I was in the open compound & Tony & his new Buddy How aid was in 29. They were all placed in our barrack to make room for officers. Parcels were 1 to 3 at the time. Since I managed to get batch in my section it came natural to get together again. So far all has been going well. We’re already learned each others habit they differ so. I don’t believe any two get along at all. For this reason to best to be alone & cot when you want how much you want and what you want.

Autographs & addresses of “Round the world” P.W. Comrades

“Out in the Blue”

When you’re back home where peace prevails and bagged by all for thrilling tales. Tales of folks You’ve seen and met and incident you’ll ne’er forget tales of things which soldiers do and the price they pay in winning through refer them to - Out in the Blue

The city throbs with the pulse of life with commerce & industry ever at strife with hustle & bustle & traffic roar far from the distant sounds of war the parks are all draped in their floral gown and peace prevails in the old home town. The bombers roar & the sirens moon are things, thank god which are quite unknown

But may out here, in the distant blue. There’s a living hell that men go thru as day by day & night by night they’re packed in the grip of the worlds worst fight as courageously stunning, they stagger & reel to ward off the menacing Nazi heel to spare all the loved ones they left behind from the rape & the bandage the fae has in mind.

Yet down in the city if you’ll seek you’ll find men who have chosen to stay home behind watching the fight on the silvery screen sipping their whisky calm & serene

Reading the paper discussing the news laughing & joking & airing their news sleeping each night in a warm cozy bed while their fellowmen crash to the earth-stone dead

Settled & prove for beyond doubts. By them & their comrades who proudly set out who suffered the agony, torture & pain of war in the sky & bomb scarred plain. In prop wash & coldness each at his gun who grimly & doggedly “Stuck it” & won to prove to the world & God high above that its you above all this earth that they love

Still down in the city seek & you’ll find the men who have chosen to stay home behind.

In Honor of the 42nd Div

“Heartiest Thanks and Best Wishes” to the “ Liberators”

45 April 30th 45

James Battista P.W. 87537 “Munchen”

A.E.F Broadcast

Heard from Munchen apt house – may 1, 45 8:45 P.M.

Major – Glenn Miller & Orchestra

  1. Here we go again

  2. My Prayer

  3. And her tears float Like wine

  4. Something old Schuberts Serenade

  5. Something new some other time

  6. Something Blue under a Blanket of Blue

  7. Little Brown jug

  8. Piano Solo

  9. With my head in the clouds

  10. TTheme – Moonlight serenade

P.W Friends of the 48 states

  1. Alabama – William W Bennett mobile ala. Gen. Delivery

  2. Arkansas

  3. Arizona – George Cochore F.T Yuma Yuma Arizona

  4. California – Francis C. Armijo 811 Cerrito St. Albany

  5. Connectient – Joseph Haloda 3 Parker St. Donbury

  6. Colorado

  7. Delamore

  8. Florida – Gerald O. Rogers Inverness Fla.

  9. Georgia

  10. Idaho

  11. Iowa

  12. Illinois – William Roy Houchin alneyell

  13. Kansas

  14. Kentucky – Harold Staton – Owingsville ry. Rout 2

  15. Louisiana

  16. Maine – Alfred Curtis Belfast, Mitchell St.

  17. Maryland – Harry Rubin 3511 Reisterstown Road - Baltimore

  18. Massachusetts

  19. Michigan – Frank Babucke – 2324 Campbell, Det. Mich

  20. Minnesota – 410 west 6th st. Mankato, Min. B. Sams

  21. Mississippi – Allan Robinson – 306 west St. Hattiesburg, Mins

  22. Missouri – Joseph Sapienza 5221 Bisckoff ave St.Louis

  23. Montana
    3- Staff sgt. 3rd Div.
    20- Preacher of Protestant services
    22- Italian boy & friend of Steve 45ch
    Box car Buddies of Munich Detail – 4-8-14-21-16

  24. Nebraska - Ward R. Schick Curtis Nebr.

  25. Nevada

  26. North Carolina – David C. Wray. Bessemer City Box 619

  27. North Dakota

  28. New Hampshire

  29. New Mexico

  30. New Jersey –William (Chick) Cicchino – 254 Elm St. Newark N.J.

  31. New York – Sol Spiegel 1800 Bryant Ave. Bronx

  32. Ohio – Tony Lombards 2556 E. 39 St. Cleveland

  33. Oklahoma

  34. Aregeou

  35. Pennsylvania – Charles Loughner Blairsville 389 Stewart

  36. Rhade Island

  37. South Dakota – Joseph M Flying Hawk, Marty, So. Doh

  38. South Carolina – Clinton Chappell Nimmour, S.C

  39. Jennesell – Frank Thompson 2126 Sily Ave, Knoxville, Tenn

  40. Texas – Bill Griffith Box 65 Neckes. Fax

  41. Utah

  42. Vermont

  43. Virginia

  44. Washington – Leonard-Rachel, Monroe

  45. West Virginia – Loren Dean, 563 RCIDAVE Huntington

  46. Wisconsin – George Rabatka Birchwood ? Box 215

  47. Wyoming – Serafin P. Rey – Box 186 – Thermopolis

  48. Indiana – James a. Wabelam Beech grove Ind. 1424 Albany St.

24-Staff Sgt. 35th
32 – 35th Buddy F.W.
40 – Wild Bill & Leader of the VII A Wranglers
35 – 80th Div. on some commando
26 – Singer & Guitar Player of VII A Wranglers
Box Car Buddies of Munich Detail – 46-47-48-39

Over Sea’s Radio Jokes & Soups 222 Arunef Str. Munchen

Bob Hope – How do you like the new photo on your dresser? It’s nice but why the picture of a milk bottle That’s no milk bottle it’s the new popular sugar Frank Sinatra. Why he hasn’t enough meat to fill on army “K” ration.

Frances can I barrow your car! Why yes! Have you plenty of gas. Why! I want to get a pack of cigarettes. The drug store is right down the corner. Why I know that but the end of the line is in Pomona.

  1. She’s an all American Girl

  2. Time will tell

  3. Some other time

  4. I walk alone

  5. A tree grows in Brooklyn

  6. Good, Good, Good that’s you, that’s you

  7. Don’t finch me in

POW Medium of Exchange

Trading List Value

Milk 40Cigarettes
Tuna Fish 15Cigarettes
Pate 15Cigarettes
Aloe Margarine30Cigarettes
Carned Beef 30Cigarettes
Kam 30Cigarettes
Meat & Beans30Cigarettes
Cheese 20Cigarettes
Soaps 5Cigarettes
Coffee30 Cigarettes
Biscuits 20Cigarettes
Civilian Bread 12Cigarettes
Prunes 15Cigarettes
Raisins20 Cigarettes
Jam (Small)15Cigarettes
Hair cut & Shore2 Cigarettes
Beer 1Cigarettes
Cigarette Papers 1Cigarettes
Sacharin Tablets 6Cigarettes

Receipe of Pudding

½ Box of Prunes or other fruit
6 Biscuits of any sort
½ Ration of Military or Civilian Bread
2 Table Spoonfuls of sugar or 2 saeren
2 Squares of “D” Bar chocolate
3 Heaping table spoonful of powdered milk.


Take the prunes & soak for a day. This help’s make the pudding Larger . when thoughly soaked skin & place in a Jerry Bowl. If nuts are desired, break open the pits with a hammer or other heavy objects add to the prunes. You then take your Biscuits and grate down to almost a powder. The same thing is done to the Bread. You then mix the Biscuits & bread together & add to the prunes. In order to get the full benefit of the 2 Sq’s of choe grate very fine & add to batter. Before doing so, mix the choe & powderdered milk mill & add. The sugar can be added according to taste or more important, according to the amount or hand Important: Thin out batter with water.

When the Ingredients are well mixed it is ready for baking or cooking.


If a good pan isn’t on hand. Butter your Jerry bowl & place in Batter place in a “milk can” oven stone & cook for one hour, if you havn’t enough wood to keep the fire going & you can’t steal any your cake pudding is then complete.

Cooking over Fire.

If oven stone isn’t available your best act is to cook over fire or better still barrow a blower. Place batter into 5 lb. Argent in a Butter can & make their with water. As it is being heated stir continuously or your ½ - 1/3 – of ¼ may come to bail & stay till excess water evaporates when cooked place in small pans & let freeze over night for breakfast If you are hungry, its good hot.


Mix. Powdered milk with sugar of American cocoa into a paste & spread over top when cooled. Jam or honey also goes well.

Sick Call

Is at 7:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M. in Barrack 19A. They’ll take care of the rest. If closed & pains are with you take 2 vit. “C” Tablets just for the hell of it.


This prayer was composed in the year 1505. The pope sent it to the Emperor Charles IX while he was at war to protect him from all harm.

Those who will read this prayer hear it, read it, or carry it on their prison will never die suddenly they will never be poisoned will never be killed at war all those who will write this prayer will be blessed says our Lord Jesous Christ and those who will laugh at it will suffer.

“Oh adorable lord Jesous Christ who died on the cross for our sins have mercy on us, cross of Jesus keep us on the right path to heaven. Ah! Jesus of Nazareth have pity on our children. Ad! Cross of Jesus keep us from committing most as sin.

May the wicked enemies keep far away from us now & always. In honor of his holy resurrection & glorious accencion may he lead us on the right path to his glory. Amen

With a Friend

Look God I have never spoken to you before but now I want to say “How do you do”. You see God they told me you didn’t exist and like a fool I believed all of this.

Last night from a shell hole I saw your sky I figured right then they had told me a lie. Had I taken time to see things you made I’d of known they weren’t calling a spade, a spade.

I wonder God if you would shake my hand some how I feel that you will understand funny I had to come to this wellish place. Before I had time to see your face.

Will I guess there isn’t much to say but I’m sure glad God I met you today I guess the “Zero Hour” will soon be here but I’m not afraid since I know your near.

The signal well God I’ll have to go I like you a lot, this I want to know look now, this will be a horrible fight who knows I may come to your house tonight.

Though I wasn’t friendly to you before I wonder God if you’d wait at your door look I’m crying, me, shedding. I wish I had known thee many years well I have to go now God, good-bye. Strange since I met you I’m not afraid to die.

“Fond on the body of a Yank killed in action”


From ? To Jimmy

If when you’re fighting overseas you should feel lonely & Blue just think of the fan we used to have and remember I’m waiting for you.

Remember I care just for you.

If you yourself should meet a girl a certain somebody new please think twice before brushing me off

Remember I’m faithful to you if you’re across a long, long time even a decade or two.

I’ll still feel the same, until you return.

Remember I’ll “always love you”.

Oh! I could write a say I miss you so, that I have traveled far and never found a Rose to match the radiances of your glow. A voice to tough the music that you sound.

Oh! I could count the many nights I have not slept and cursed the space that kept us apart and I could tell the silent tears I’ve wept that could not sooth the aching of my heart yes I could name the many girls I’ve scorned who held soft in notations in their eyes and all the sweetness lost but never mourned of aching tenderness and melting sighs.

Oh! Yes I could pledge my love until eternity.But darling what a liar I would be!

“What a soldier wouldn’t tell his girl at home and what would be perfectly true”!!

P.W. General Orders

  1. To take charge of my plate & all food in view.

  2. To eat my food in a hasty manner keeping always on the alert and stopping all spuds, beans & pie that comes within sight or reach.

  3. To report all weak coffee, bony fish & scalded soup to the mess Sgt.

  4. To quit my seat only when there is no more food.

  5. To ignore all calls from seats more distant from the food than my own.

  6. To receive & pass on to the other chow hounds all food I dislike.

  7. To talk to no one who eats garlic or onions.

  8. To give the alarm in case the food is to hot or too highly seasoned.

  9. To call the table waiters in case of wanted refills.

  10. To salute all chicken, ice cream, & all delicious food that pass

  11. To be especially watchful at chow & during the time for eating, to challenge anyone who gets more than I do, & to allow no one to beat me to the table.

P.W. Daily Menu

Mon Breakfast Dinner Supper
Tea Cabbage Soup Spuds 1/6 bread Butter
Tue Tea sauerkraut soup Onion 5, 1/6 Bread
Wed Tea Cabbage Soup Spuds 1/6 Bread Butter
Thurs Tea Pea Soup Onions, 1/6 Bread Meat
Fri Tea Cabbage Soup Spuds 1/6 Bread Butter
Sat Coffee? Onion Soap Spuds 1/6 Bread Meat
Sun Coffee? Pea Soup Spuds 1/6 Bread Butter
Holidays Tea Soup Spuds 1/6 Bread Butter

Argentina Red Cross P.W.’s Parcel


SwiftM & V Rations 16 oz
Wilson’s Lamb & Beans 16 oz
Nestle Milk 12 oz.
Swift Butter 5 lb.
Frigorifico armour Peach Jam 16 oz.
Argentina Formaggio Cheese 4 oz.
Argentina Tea 2 oz.
Sunlight Soap2 Bars.
ArgentinaBiscuits5 Bis.
Argentina Sugar 7 Lumps.
Nestle Chocolate 8 oz.
BlochPea Soup ½ lb.
Argentina Powdered Eggs 2 oz.
Sweet Caporal Can. Cigarettes 6 la.

American Red Cross P.W’s Parcel


Armours Carned Beef12 oz.
Army “C” Ration Meat & Beans 12 oz
Hunts Tuna Fish 7 oz.
Milks Powdered Milk 1 lb.
Standard Aleo Margine 1 lb.
Weleh’s Grape Jam 2 oz.
Rasenberg Bras. Prunes 1 lb.
Krafts Amer. White Cheese ½ lb.
J. L. Kellogg & Co. All-Coffee 2 oz.
Mc Cambridge Vit. “C” Pills 7 Tab.
Swan Soap 2 Bars
Army K 2 Biscuits 6 oz.
Domino Sugar ½ lb.
Rack wood & Co. “D” Ration Choes 2 oz.
Rose Mill & Co.Pate 6 oz.
Chesterfield Cigarettes 7 Pks.

Canadian Red Cross P.W.’s Parcel


Emery Brand Carned Beef 12 oz.
Canada Packers Korn 10 ½ oz.
Brunswick Sardines in oil 3 ½ oz.
Astra Salmon 7 oz.
Bordon Co. Klim 1 lb.
Maple Leaf Creamery Butter 1 lb.
Aylmer Orange marmalade 12 oz.
Atlas Prunes 6 oz.
Atlas Seedless Raisens 7 oz.
Maple Leaf Cheese 4 oz.
Dalton Ltd. Tea 4 oz.
Canadian Salt & Pepper 2 oz.
Canadian Red Cross Soap 1 Bar
McCormick Biscuits 1 Box
Canadian Ltd. Sugar ½ lb.
Neil sons Chocolate 1 Bar
English Cigarettes 3336 Bar

There’s a place in Italy where everything is fine it’s a little “Iti” prison camp, They call it “59” we get our parcels regular, we couldn’t ask for more and you’ll always hear us singing when were winding up our blower.


In campo concentramento “P.G. 59”

Seldom you’ll ever see a frown

There’s English & Irish & good old Welchman too.

The Scott is who never let you down

In Camps concentramento “P.G.59”

We don’t care if the weathers wet or fine

We’re just waiting for the day

When we’ll all sail away

From Camps concentramento “P.G.59”

In our little prison camp we cook some lonely seaffs and when we draw our parcels we live like blooming toffs. The “Itis” give us rice & macs & a loaf of bread each day and we wash that down with vivo. So the skies are never grey.

There’s lots of bugs come out each night to keep us wide awake. They crowl beneath our blankets & they play at put & take they come in mass formation & war drive me insane when revellie blows they form two rows & all march out again

Although we’are prisoners of war

and hemmed in by high walls

old Jerry thinks he’s got us licked

But we knew that’s pist balls

Lets get together here & row

and show him where he’s wrong

Lets raise the blinding roof off

with this scotchy little song

By the Captivators

P.W’s British Red Cross & Order of St. John P.W. Parcel


Morten Plum Jam 12 oz.
B.R.C.S Dried Eggs 2 oz.
B.R.C.SProcessed Cheese 2 oz.
B.R.C.S Dried carrots 8 oz.
Tate & Lyle Sugar12 oz.
Nestle Cremed Milk12 oz.
Tweening Tea 2 oz.
B.R.C.S Rolled Oats 4 oz.
Grade 1 Salmon 7 oz.
D.D.C. Butter Pure ½ lb.
B.R.C . Cottage Pie 12 oz.
B.R.C . Chocolate 12 oz.
Peek freans Cookies 8 oz.
B.R.C.Meat Roll 10 ½ oz.
B.R.C.Bacon ½ lb.
B.R.C. Salt 3 oz.
B.R.C. Soap 1 bar
B.R.C.Apricat ½ lb.

A Soldier Last Letter

Now the postman delivered a letter it filled her old heart full of joy. But she didn’t know till she read the inside I’ was the last one from her darling boy. Dear mom was the way that it started I miss you so much it went on. But I didn’t know that I loved you so. I’ll prove it when this war is won. I am writing this down in a trench mom don’t scold of it isn’t neat you know as you did, when I was a kid when I come home with mud on my feet. The captain just gave us an order and mom we will follow them there I’ll finish this letter the next chance I get but for now I’ll just say “I Love You” the mothers old hands began to tremble she fought against tears in her eyes but there was no shame for there was no name and she knew that her darling had died.

That night when she built at her bedside she prayed “oh Lord above” hear my plea and protect all the sons who are fighting to night and oh God keep America Free. Always Sing en VII A Bk. 19A


I was all over my jealousy My crime was my blind jealousy My heart was on fire with desire for you But I didn’t know that our love was true You gave all your kisses to me and now all to soon I can see The heart aches I cost you no wonder I lost you I was all over my jealousy
To, Alice Roberts C/o Chy-Morvah hotel
St. Ives, Cornwall


Anthony Lombardo – 2556 E. 39th St. Cleveland, Ohio
Richard Lassman – 20 Howard St. Waltham Mass.
Frank Babuska – 2324 Compell Ave. Detroit, Mich.
Adolph Buonaguro – 169 Withers St. Brooklyn, N.Y.
Joseph Rubino – 326 s. 7th Ave. Long Branch, N.F.
Russell Van Houten – 697 E. 29th st. Paterson, N.F.
Hugo Marrocco – 800 Fruit Ave. Ferrow, Pa.
Clyde White – Dumont Texas
Joseph Walters – Bankston, Alabama
Charles Stayton – Dimmitt, Texas
Walter Linscott – Sterling Farms, Kittery Maine
Sam Charlton Ju – 1008 S. 9th St. Harrisburg, Pa.
Jerry Calloway – Rt #2 – Ronda. N.C.
Johnnie Womble – Mellier, Ry.
Pete Pepia – 100 Prospect St. Rackton, Mass
Robert Fields – R.F.D. #9 – Box 103 B – Spring Field Mass
Andy Macik – 1628 Central Ave. Detroit Mich.
James Flux - #4 Selborne Pl. Stanmore Winchester, Hants, Eng.
John Falconi – 26 Hoffman St. Poughkeepsie N.Y. 5495
George Biondo – 6 Elliot St. Worcester, Mass.
Joseph Criati – 666 Morris Park Ave. Bronx, N.Y.
Anthony Arlino – 1740 W. 8th St. Brooklyn. N.Y.
Mike F. Bisceglio – 14 Columbus St. Worcester, Mass
Freddie Traisi – 12 Linden St. Medford, Mass
Hick Schecodnic – 1617 Kenilworth S.E. Warren. Ohio.
Steve Alexander – 229 Burruss Pl. Victoria Courts, S.A. Texas
Herschel L. Godsey – Madison Heights, Virginia.
Cleme O. Gutierrez – Box 353 – Freeport, Texas
Marlin Davis – Four mile, Kentucky
Don Raven – 2941 S. 6th E. St. W. Phila, Pa.
Joe Esmay – 602 Hartford Ave. S.E. Canton, Ohio
Harold Zogg – 229 Tombstone Plaza Warners N.Y.
Joe Vazzana – 10 Trento St. Rochester, N.Y.
Wm Salas – 3454 N. Perrn St. Indainapolis Ind.
Gilbert Martin – 319 E. Housten Str. New York, N.Y.
Steve Kirtyan – 504 E. 120th St. New York, N.Y.
Mangal Singls Rane - P.W. 280 – Rekhera Sahauguir pur – Bulandishof U.P. – India
James Chick – R.I. Box 257 E. Kingston, New York.
Ralph W. De Paulo – 53 Academy Hill, Southington, Conn.
Chester Howard – 4123 Main St. Phila, PA. 4123